[@kishin asura] "..My...father called me..Greedly..." She says, still shaking. She gently plants a finger against your temple, and you begin to feel her enter your mind. You feel her begin to root though your memories, and a few begin to vanish. Pretty much you just looking at the inside of your eyelids as you sleep. Her body begins to plump up, the signs of starvation vanishing, as a life time of memories of the moments before dreams began are devoured. This, of course, doesn't effect you really in the slightest, these memories given no real value to who you are, but you figure out one of her powers...memory consumption. The flame being floats over to her, and grabs her hand, ripping it away from your face, Greedly shrieking in pain as her flesh seems to sickly melt as it comes in contact with the fire, her red blood, and melted flesh pouring onto you, mostly. The smell is sickening, reminding you of many a scene where a poor fool was caught in a fire, their charred flesh making a horrid smell....