First of all, I appreciate the "red goes faster" references - one of my favourite pieces of individual lore from any universe ever. I would absolutely be interested in this - wasn't sure at first when I saw it, but having read through the entire post it speaks to me a lot more. I have a couple of questions though: 1. How does the company handle siege? In our own history pre-medieval and even medieval armies rarely travelled with explicit siege weaponry for the purposes of taking entrenched targets, and where it existed it was never really sophisticated tech until much later in history. But, seeing as this is fantasy, there's always some overlap, and Orcs to me seemed to be exactly the type of race that could utilize their brute strength to bring larger weaponry to bear - ala a portable ballista or two could be managed by a smaller team than humans would require. This isn't so much a character idea rather than a point of interest. =) 2. Is there magic? I find that the excessive presence of magic in large-scale fantasy mercenary stories (at least in the literature) tends to make those magic-users the most important component of the army, both in defense and offense. I love me some good magic, but was just interested to know how it's going to be handled. Other than those points of interest, would love to be a part of your setting if you'll have me.