[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zz8zEVD.png[/img] [h1][color=Gold]Akio Tendou[/color][/h1][/center] Shin’s arrival was met with a cordial nod and a smile, as Aoi was clearly amused by his little display. Whenever Shin wasn’t trying to hit on someone in that over obnoxious way of his, she found him to be an entertaining guy to be around. If she remembered correctly, he was doing detective work now, helping the police keep Konoha’s streets safe. As well as drowning under mountains of paperwork. Fun. [color=Gold]“I’m sure people will come here eventually, and if they don’t, oh well, it’s their loss.”[/color] Akio said with a shrug, before she turned to see Rei walking up to her, the younger girl’s comment causing her to blush. She still wasn’t used to people complimenting her on her looks, but she would be lying if she said it didn’t feel nice. [color=Gold]“Thanks Rei, you looking great as well . . . and I see you’ve got yourself an admirer as well. Better not let your brother find out. He seems like the type to get over-protective.”[/color] Akio chuckled a bit at the display, finding it rather cute of the young Uzumaki boy, though she wasn’t sure if Rei would see it that way. She was about to turn and reprimand Aoi for trying to start a gaming competition at a time like this when the Hokage finally began the speech. She listened with a silent countenance as he announced the exchange program between Konoha, Mizu, and Suna, unsure of what to make of it all. [color=Gold][i]The Hokage doesn’t look well . . . what could’ve happened to spook him, and the other two kages so badly that they’d do something like this so suddenly. Something’s going on behind the scenes, something we’re not being told.[/i][/color] As the speech continued, and the hunter-nin thing was brought up, Akio was positive that something was up. An elite, unified hunter-nin division meant that their was a threat out there that couldn’t be handled by one village alone. [color=Gold][i]But what could possibly be such a threat that . . wait . . . could it be . . .[b]her[/b]?[/i][/color] Akio thoughts turned to her experience facing Kusaru and Gian, or as it was, watching helplessly as they spared everyone’s lives. She’d done research on the woman afterwards, and had found out that she was the leader of some group known as the Keihatsu. But last she’d heard of them, they were focusing their attention on Yakuza groups and the like. Had something changed? Before she could contemplate it any further however, chaos erupted all around her. Looking around, she cursed herself for not paying attention as she saw the Hokage make a break for it, a hooded figure following in hot pursuit. Yamato came shortly after ordering Aoi to move her ass, and while normally Akio would’ve cursed him out for being such a dick, she found herself in complete agreement. The Hokage was in trouble and they needed to move. [color=Gold]“Aoi, you heard the prick, let’s get moving.”[/color] Akio shouted back as she took to the rooftops, certain that Aoi would follow her. She would quickly come within sight of the culprit but kept at a distance. Running through a string of hand-signs, she quickly formed her Thunder Bow, the construct looking much more refined due to her training with the jutsu, then sent forth a quick fire barrage of five bolts towards the assailants back, each one possessing a Static String attached to it. She wasn’t confident that she’d get a hit, but she hoped to at least slow the assailant down enough so that the Anbu in pursuit could surround them. [@Savato] [@j8cob] [@Partisan] [center][img]http://static.hentai.mangadrawing.net/users/imagecache/display/image/32544-elsword-elsword-character.66ea356c367c12a2e4c386a1535f0755.jpg[/img] [color=DarkOrange][h1]Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi[/h1][/color][/center] Tatsuya was on the verge of falling asleep when he was jolted awake by the sound of someone’s shouting coming from nearby, causing him to panic for a second in a half-conscious daze before he found the source of the noise. It was some girl yelling at her phone, or something. As if that was evidence enough to avoid her, the fact that she was out in public wearing the most revealing outfit that Tatsuya had ever seen was. Tatsuya simply turned away from the lunatic chick, keeping as much focus as possible on the Hokage as he began his speech. Tatsuya was fading in and out for most of it, too tired to fully comprehend what was being said until his name was called. This caused him to wake right up, as he reviewed everything he’d half listened to, then did it again. [color=DarkOrange][i]Wait, I must’ve misheard that, did the Hokage just say I have to be on this Hunter Nin team? B-b-b-b-but I don’t have the skills for that Job, plus I’m only a fucking Genin. This is insane![/i][/color] As Tatsuya began to panic at the thought of what was going on, his attention, he didn’t notice the Hokage take ill at first, until he suddenly lifted up a desk in front of himself. This caused him to look up and before he knew it, chaos broke out as some mysterious assailant dropped an Anbu into the crowd, before quickly jumping down themselves to give chase to the fleeing Kage. Tatsuya saw several other shinobi give chase, and for a second, he considered joining them. But then he cast a look at the fallen Anbu-nin, and the notion had left his head entirely. Against someone like that, he’d only be getting in the way, especially with no way to fight them from a distance. Right now, he had to do what he could to keep order in the square. With that in mind, Tatsuya began ordering civilians to safe areas, and trying his best to keep things calm and orderly, his stomach and lack of sleep now forgotten thanks to the adrenaline currently racing through his veins. [color=DarkOrange][i]How did things go to shit so fast? Who the hell was that and how did they sneak into Konoha so fast without anyone knowing? Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!![/i][/color]