The entire time Eva was in Gippal's arms, her eyes were closed. She didn't even really hear what anyone said, but held onto Gippal with all her life. She didn't know why this happened, but the images of death and destruction, blood and gore, had frightened her to death. It replayed over and over. Like a horrible nightmare where she had no voice. All the while in a massive storm that flung everyone around with all the debris. Her reaching out to...him. The long haired blonde man in green who she knew meant something to her. He reached out to her as well but it was too late, he and she were flung apart. She did feel much cooler though, she didn't know what it was but it was nice from the humid hot air, it seemed to help her a little. BUT it was when they reached the temple she felt the hymn of the Fayth running through her. More images...or memories flooded her mind, more of the temple...though her eyes closed, she knew what it looked like by heart, She knew it was the same temple. It just...felt right. home. more images of sitting next to the blonde haired boy, laughing... studying... practicing...holding hands... She opened her eyes, she was still in Gippals arms...though she was sitting on her lap now. He had just finished talking to a priest asking about a comms sphere, and the priest left the room. She didn't move for a bit, taking in Gippals smell. Though he was sweaty from the jungle, and stank a little, he still had that scent that she loved. She realized though that there were others in teh room when she heard Maximus talking to Saina. She lifted her head and looked Gippal in the eyes, only inches from his face. She blushed as she knew she was on his lap, her right hand on his chest.... she wanted so much to kiss this man. All he had done for her. He was like a white knight. But she quickly moved off his lap and sat on the bed, embarrassed that she was in his arms for how ever long infront of everyone. Rubbing her arms, her red eyes glanced to everyone in the room. "What... what happened?"