[center] [img] http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Features/2010/08/FONV_Factions/Enclave_Banner--article_image.jpg [/img] [/center] The Vertibird tore through the clouded sky above, swooping over the derelict DC buildings as its twin blades chopped back and forth. Within the bowels of the sleek steel gunship, Lieutenant Elijah Myers addressed his power armor-clad squadron. “For too long has this hive of mutant scum and degenerate outlaws been allowed to exist unchecked.” he barked, fighting to be heard over the roar of propellers. “This ‘city’ is an aberration to everything we hold dear, and an insult to the core principles of our glorious Enclave. As patriots of the true America, it is our duty to see these traitorous dogs sunk to the bottom of the sea!” His cold grey eyes darted over the assembled soldiers, looking each and every one of them up and down. “Our spies inform us that the research laboratory within this decaying vessel holds the secrets the agitators used to develop Project Purity, which will allow us to unlock a superior understanding of our new greatest asset.” His face was a stern mask of determination, his eyes burning with the roaring fires of conflict. “The steady road to rebuilding is already underway, and with the Intel we gather here today we can strengthen our presence in this desolate graveyard, and take the next few bold steps along that magnificent path to restoring the Old World.” “We will take the fight to this up-jumped raiders, we will take the fight to this damnable ‘Institute’, we will take the fight to all those who would stand in the way of the American Dream, and we will crush them beneath our iron heel!” A collective roar of ‘HOOAH!’ rose up from the squad, as they banged their gauntleted fists against their metal breastplates, ready to descend upon the settlement below. The Vertibird swooped slowly down in front of Rivet City, steadily lowering itself onto the charred soil. The enormous beached aircraft carrier sprawled out ahead of them, a mighty juggernaut of decrepit rusting metal docked just off of the mainland. The squadron poured off of the gunship, Tesla, Hellfire, and regular troops all spilling out in to the Graveyard, their Lieutenant striding boldly behind them. The cities’ large mechanical bridge hadn’t been extended, but that made little difference to the Enclave. Two troopers carried a large grappling gun forwards between them, propelling a whirring motorised hook forwards with a pronounced ‘BANG!’, attaching itself to the main entrance of the aircraft carrier. A handful of Rivet City guards moved to stop them, but a round of rattling gunfire sent their bloodied bodies tumbling in to the sea. Fastening detachable metal handles on to the grappling hooks sturdy wire, the troopers came zipping down on to the Aircraft Carrier, guns locked and loaded as they marched forwards. “The occupants of this construction are likely all irradiated and mutated.” Lieutenant Myers declared “treat them all with extreme prejudice. They cannot be allowed to live. What you do today, you do for the greater good of America.” They forced open the ship’s watertight bulkhead door and charged forth into the vessel, ready to shoot on sight.