Mokuren listened to Skyra's story, and for a moment, it seemed like she had penetrated the perpetual white noise that was Mokuren's brain. She looked at her sword, as if to say something, and then Skyra asked about Mokuren's reasons to be here. A few moments passed, with Mokuren's eyes looking haunted, then the reverted back to the absent, scatter-brained self. "I don't know" She exclaimed, proudly, as if it was a great reason. "I just found myself here one day, and nobody said anything about it, so I continuted to find myself here every day. And then today happened." It was clearly a lie, but spoken with such conviction that she believed the words, despite their obvious falicy. Mokuren let her eyes dwell on Skyra for quite some time, and then smiled, and spoke in a softer tone. "I am sure I will find my raison d'ĂȘtre eventually. But, not right now, I don't think"