As he landed and peppered the area with gunfire, the two frag grenades his adversary dropped detonated. The combined concussive shockwave knocked him back a step, but it was the desk that impacted his face not a moment after that made him stagger back a few more steps. As the heavy wooden desk shattered into pieces against his body, he grew enraged, roaring as a torrent of fire poured from his mouth, setting the office space in front of him on fire, triggering the fire alarms and sprinklers not a moment after. The explosion itself tore a mighty hole in the floor of the current level of the office building, completely shredding the metal framework at the corner where his adversary had been. Glass in the whole level was shattered into pieces, and the power was out from the major damage. The building as a whole was mostly unharmed, but the current area was very unstable; the floor falling out in places nearby the explosion site. As he calmed down, he surveyed the area. His opponent was out of sight, had been as soon as he'd got up here. Probably had run off somewhere to cower while his explosives did their work. He back slung his machine gun and brought his automatic shotgun forward instead, pumping the slide to chamber the first shell even as it pulsed and rumbled in his hands, the daemon within aching to get some action. [color=red]"Now where is this [i]puta[/i]. Sniff him out, [i]Ira[/i]. Find 'im."[/color] Following his shotgun's instincts, he slowly walked in the direction of Drall's hiding place. Obviously not knowing where he was exactly, once he reached the little set of cubicles and desks where the man was hiding, he raised his shotgun and held down the trigger. The automatic shotgun roared and spat explosions in quick succession as he raked his fire across the area, each gunshot sounding deafening in the confined space. The shells that he fired contained explosive warheads that primed in the short distance between gun and target, and detonated once they impacted any solid surface. The entire area would be torn to complete shreds before he'd have to stop and reload or switch weapons. The miniature fragmentation grenades contained within each shotgun shell would most definitely result in some form of injury unless he moved.