As the hellish lobsters crawled out from the darkness of the deep, the massive form of the Monolith sank further into the icy waters below. Even as its body was solidifying completely, it continued to flail about with one remaining arm to crush the one that had trapped it so. Akemi’s blood was what it wanted and it raised one hand to bring down like thunder upon the trapped fox girl. The twin blue moons soared high in the heavens, casting an ethereal light upon all the combatants. Only when the light reflected off the ice of the lakes did something stir from the shadows. A reflex was enacted and something harsh sounding was heard, like metal clashing against stone. The Monolith’s descending limb was soon torn apart by the seams, rock and freezing magma spewing about everywhere. Whatever resolve the monster had before was gone now as it sunk on its side into the Lake of Tears completely, a creaking sound heralding its defeat. No sooner was the creature slain did the origin of the attack turn their sights on the nightmarish lobsters now. Faster than any of the Hunters, even Akemi, the lobster’s had their shells penetrated and crushed while their tentacles and bodies were sliced apart. Spews of green sludge exploded everywhere as one by one the monsters were destroyed. The others would have to recover from their sudden rescue but for Akemi the force of killing aura turned its sights on her now. With a flash, the blur picked up Akemi and leaped away from the Lake, landing on the border edges of the frozen water. [color=a0410d]“You really do like making my job hell, don’t you Akemi?”[/color] The voice was feminine, despite the figure’s appearance. The casual attire of a Hunter was placed on the woman’s frame, including the average brown and gray coated boots, pants, and vested shirt underneath a long fabric that appeared to be a cross between a long coat and a poncho. Messy, long, and blonde hair spilled out from under the woman’s hat and that too looked like a mixed breed, mainly a fedora and cowboy’s hat rolled into one. The woman’s collar was raised up to conceal her lower mouth though one could make out the amber eyes that darted around next to the beginnings of a scar along her face. What was perhaps most frightening though was the massive ivory scythe strapped to the woman’s back, no doubt the weapon that had slain these monsters attacking just moments before. The woman placed Akemi gently onto the ground, knowing the effects of the paralysis would be wearing out off enough. A woman with a white scythe….yes, she was notable as one of the more prominent and powerful Hunters in this twisted world. The Hunter calling herself Pale Wolf. [color=a0410d]“Right then. You mind telling me why you almost got yourself killed. Again,”[/color] she said in a blunt manner to Akemi. Back in Iredele, the mayor of the town shrugged in response to Donney’s question. He was meant to watch over the village, not provide Hunter’s with free necessities. And so he turned away from the now growing trio of people, waving his hand back in farewell. [color=1a7b30]“Nope, not a clue friend. Though Maribel might know where to find something like that. Maribel, be a good girl and help the poor Hunters, eh?”[/color] Maribel steamed in annoyance at his words before turning back to Donney. [color=6ecff6]“Well it’s like I said before. I only visit this place so I don’t know where everything is exactly. And I’m no one’s lap dog anyway. But I bet Roless knows,”[/color] she said, pointing to the wandering senior Hunter. [color=6ecff6]“He’s the one living here after all.”[/color]