[b]Name:[/b] Andre Masisi [b]Also known as:[/b] 「 」, Fear, It [b]Age:[/b] Ancient [b]God Status:[/b] God of Fear [b]Personality:[/b] Despite his respective aspects, Mr. Masisi is a rather approachable individual once one can look past his business-like persona and elusive nature. He strives for neutrality and objectiveness, and even should he pursue an end which would require him to oppose other entities, he would not do so in a spiteful manner. Being more of a manifestation of a certain quality as opposed to a child of an entity which is then ascribed a quality, he feels a certain responsibility to his "parents", that being the creatures of the Earth its self. It would be folly to go as far as to call him a guardian, but he does indeed look out for the world in his own way, behind layers of machinations which appear directly related to averting disasters - but not the dread of them occurring. [b]Parents:[/b] N/A [b]Sexuality:[/b] Asexual [b]Form on Earth:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/jRKlWIz.png]Source niladhevan@tumblr[/url] [b]True Form:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/MqY57QC.png]---[/url] [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Terror Inducement:[/i] An iconic ability of the primordial entity, and an expected and simple one perhaps reflecting his "basic" nature. Masisi can induce irrational terror, fear or whatever you might call it upon aware beings so long as he in turn is aware of them, and has a clear idea of them in his mind he may use this ability on them. This can be anything from mild unease to full blown, manic paranoia. There are more subtle, almost unnoticeable applications, such as inducing momentary hesitation. [i]Fear Manifestation:[/i] The heaviest hitting of Andre's abilities as a deity, although how heavy that hit is depends purely upon the entity whose fear he is giving shape. Should the individuals fear be a specific event occurring, Andre finds himself limited to casting what can only be described as a very convincing vision upon the individual where the event occurs. However, if it is something a little bit less situational, like a fear of spiders or defeat, he can manifest the spider(s) or a "warrior" capable of defeating the individual. [i]Free Movement:[/i] So long as it is dark wherever Andre is situated, he has complete freedom of movement. No height is too high, nothing out of reach when he is within his element. [b]Weapon:[/b] [i]Umbra - The Original Fear, It in the Night[/i]: It appears to be a dagger or knife of some description without much elegance within its shape, and a handle made of some sort of animal bone with some red tassels attatched to it, but the blade its self appears to be made of... nothing. It's a weird, uncomfortable gap in the world which is difficult to look at, as if light is being consumed by the blade its self. In an era of prehistory, the Night was the greatest fear, along with the yellow eyes which glinted from the brush. It was a loss of control, and a time of mostly defencelessness. The dagger Umbra recreates that very same defencelessness, in a way. Being struck by Umbra reduces sensory ranges on the one struck to the immediate 2 meters around them, everything beyond those 2 meters being shrouded in absolute darkness, scentless, soundless - undetectable. The chance for retaliation is there, but it is minuscule, and that in and of its self can be more terrifying than not having any chance to retaliate. With his abilities and Umbra, Andre is perfectly equipped to indirectly face most foes. He never has been, and never will be the most powerful of the Gods, but he will the remain the most daunting to confront. [b]History (Pre-Earth bound):[/b] Before it all, long before the ideas of Gods and divinity was present within the mind of the first men, It thrived. In the primal state of Earth, It had no true identity - It was simply It, a feeling which along with survival pushed most living creatures onwards. Fear and continuation, fear and continuation. The exact age of It is hard to pin down, considering It was hardly alive during that time, and even than It cannot exactly remember when it became aware of its self. All It knows is that the first of men were responsible for It's identity, putting a metaphorical face behind the force which almost seemed to partially dictate their lives. Fear was born, but not with that name exactly - more of a weird grunt, if anything. When the Sun and Moon either declared or earned their titles as the respective sovereigns of the Gods, Fear did not contest his older and more prestigious siblings' claims, and went on with his eternal life. An illusive entity at the very least, Fear did not consort with other entities other than those he recognized as "primordial", things which came about before man and other intelligent creatures. However, the creature known as Fear would come to butt heads with many gods and pantheons in his attempts to avert wide-scale disaster, sometimes succeeding but at times failing. [b]History (Post-Earth bound):[/b] The day It, or Fear, was bound to Earth, he was relatively unphased. It was not a completely unexpected occurrence, one of his distant cousins gathering enough power to impede upon the divinity of their siblings and himself. Perhaps it's because Fear kept to the Earth-sphere that he felt very little over the whole event, a complete outsider to the ways of the Sun, Moon and their children. He continued as he was - fostering his "parents" to greater heights, using fear to push them towards their zenith. Be it as a politician, a warlord, or a mere urban myth - Fear was exactly that. [b]Motive:[/b] Maintain the current status quo, attempt to reduce the fallout of Underworld's return, emphasise the agency of humankind.