As Tatsumi began to back off lobsters Sinthe got an idea, if Tatsumi wasn't going to use his own weapon, then Sinthe would use it, he held out his hand near Tatsumi while keeping his eyes locked onto Akemi."[color=8dc73f] Hand over your weapon.[/color]" Sinthe ordered the kid." I[color=8dc73f]f your not willing to jump into the fight out of the fear of being berated then you shouldn't even wield a weapon and consider yourself to be a warrior.[/color]" Sinthe berated Tatsumi while he waited for him to hand over his weapon so he could save Akemi himself. But then Sinthe said screw it when he saw the lobster hit Akemi, he cracked his knuckles and began charging towards the monster lobster, and at the last second something began killing the lobsters, and Sinthe dove into a roll and crouched behind a rock to take cover of the monster's blood, when he came from behind the rock he was ambushed by a bright light and tried to use his hand to cover his eyes but it still blinded him for the moment, when his eyes adjusted he couldn't see Akemi anywhere and began to look around for her."[color=8dc73f] Akemi !![/color]" Sinthe yelled out for her."[color=8dc73f] Where are you ?! Are you still alive ?![/color]"