Diamond was left staring at the leaving faunus, completely baffled. "What'd I do?" she shrugged, scratching her head in wonder. Can't she get [i]one[/i] good fight in this class? Seriously, she's had better luck with her free-time spars. Walking out of the arena with a pout, she figured this wasn't the highlight of her social skills. From the way Amy walked out on her, this friendship looked like a total loss. Maybe it was for the best. And maybe she had it coming. She wanted to distance herself from everything in her past, well there she had it. Feeling a bit down, the thief shuffled into the math class. Not in the mood to talk, study or in general even being looked at for too long, she hogged one of the far side corner seats, silently brooding in her misery. [i]Right, that's it! I've had it, I'm getting hammered![/i] she thought up a solution. She didn't do that often, but now seemed like a proper occasion.