Kest listened to the chatter of the guests. When the last one finally entered, the man looked directly at him and basically summed up what each other the servants wished they could say. He knew they all want to scream at them to leave. To tell them what would happen if they stayed.. but once they were here, there was no escape. [color=00aeef]"Simple superstition. There is nothing to be feared here."[/color] the lie was spoken like water on rocks. Kest knew what would happen if he made any suggestion that something could be amiss. If any of them did. It was best to just let the pieces fall where they may and... Kest lost his train of thought after a strange scent hit him. It was the tang of metal. It wasn't like the soft bitterness of the silver, this is a harsh steel. It made him wrinkle his nose. His brows drew together and his eyes looked sharply at the man. [color=00aeef]"Sir, you were asked to keep your personal weapons in your room."[/color] As if in response to Kest's words, the house moaned, creaking as it shuddered. To any normal person, it would be the sound a tall wooden building makes as it bows in the wind. The servants knew this was not the case. Kest looked around, fully aware that the mansion was [I]changing[/i]. He didn't know how it worked, but now he was never going to hear the end of it! 'Butler, my dresser use to be across from my bed and now its next to the window.' 'Butler, someones been stealing my shoes.' 'Butler, I can't find my room.' Or, his personal favorite: 'Wasn't that suit of armor over there yesterday?' The butler rolled his eyes and wondered what complaints he would get now. He could be like Damien, scare the guests away with his big gruffness. He had always wanted to trade places with his buff companion, but was sure Damien wouldn't enjoy it. Kest put on his best smile and waved his hand in a dismissive manner. [color=00aeef]"Its just the wind."[/color]