--- [b]To:[/b] [color=8493ca]Midnight Soloist[/color] [b]From:[/b] [color=8493ca]Moon Rider[/color] [b]Subject:[/b] [color=8493ca]Re: (No Subject)[/color] [color=8493ca]The opportunity is always open for you to join the Ebony Strykers. In fact, you should still have the option in your User Interface. If you would like to assist the cause of our newly rebuilt Guild, please feel free to eliminate any stray Outlaws you may come across. Also note that the Ebony Stryker meeting will be taking place in roughly thirty minutes. Feel free to drop by if you're interested. As for me personally, be assured that I have enough influence and power to protect your identity in the real world. That is all you need to know Midnight Soloist. I await meeting you again. -Moon Rider[/color] --- Well the bit about her protection was mostly true, Moon Rider mused as she replied back to the private message. With Retsu’s involvement in their campaign now along with the support of the Erasers and Sweepers, the Black King had enough ammunition and real life ties to ensure that next to no threat could be carried out towards her fellow Guild members. Speaking of which, that reminded her. Deactivating her beam saber, Moon Rider turned away from the remaining pixels of another dead Outlaw, bringing up her user interface. The Black King searched until her eyes found the option to allow access into her gates to other Players. A few button clicks later and now any Eraser-and by extension, any Sweeper as well-were free to join the Ebony Strykers. That was all the confirmation they needed to join her side and in one swift movement, the Black Guild had an army once more. Moon Rider had fulfilled her end of the deal and now it was up to Dark Wraith to do hers in assisting her client. Crossing her arms, Moon Rider was ready to move on and defeat her next enemy when a very familiar voice rang out to catch her attention. Turning around with a slightly surprised expression, the Black King saw the newest recruit, Newt, running to join her. Truth be told, Moon Rider couldn’t help but smile at the sudden company. Young leveled Players were always the best to deal with in her opinion and it [i]was[/i] getting a little lonely fighting out here by herself. [color=8493ca]“Greetings Newt. I’m afraid the meeting won’t be starting for another half hour. I take it you’re here to help the clean up? In that case, you wouldn’t mind accompanying me, would you?”[/color] Even as she spoke the Black King could sense other Players gathering around her District. Most of them were Player Avatars, no doubt curious about her Guild like the prior day. But one of them was distinctively hostile and Moon Rider kept her hand on the trigger of her beam saber. It was most likely an Outlaw but surely they wouldn’t dare to attack against both an Ebony Stryker and her King? Lucky for her though, it seemed that would not be the case. A moment later and someone spawned right next beside Smitten Kitten. Dressed in their poncho cloak and grumbling about a Player named Flan, Corpse Collector pointed her gun at Smitten Kitten with a frown on her face. [color=f7941d]“Hey kitty, back the fuck off you hear? Black King is mine to kill and no one else’s. Also I see you got a Outlaw Declaration on you,”[/color] she noted without even shifting her gaze. [color=f7941d]“Drop it and let a real solo Player kill her, got it? Unless you’re brave enough to take me on-shit.”[/color] For a split second the Corpse Collector had panicked. Two things had happened that was cause for concern. The first was that her Player name above her head flickered into static for a couple of moments before returning back to normal. The second thing that worried her was the fact that Moon Rider was looking in their direction right now, sweeping her gaze over the landscape. [color=f7941d]“Fuck me,”[/color] Corpse Collector muttered, ducking down and out of sight. [color=f7941d]“Damn Moon Bitch. Fucking piece of….hey have fun dying kitty. Cause I’m reading that you’re a Level 1 and ain’t no way in hell you can take on the Black King.”[/color]