[center][h1]Vestus[/h1][/center] Vestus was quite taken aback by the scenery, it was all awfully beautiful and hard to take his eyes away from but he made himself listen to Nathaneil. [@Flora] [color=ed1c24]"I do have experience in the forest I was a hunter before this and I was quite the outdoorsman so yes I could help"[/color] He explained to Nathaneil as plainly as he could. [color=ed1c24]"First of all I would rather romp around the forest before we go anywhere near that village, maybe we have more powers but at the moment I would suggest you and I go do something in the forest maybe we should set up a camp in the woods!"[/color] Vestus suggested the idea of a camp so they would have a main base of action if anyone would attack them and they could also make traps around the camp, because he knew how to make traps, like trip vines or a trap that drops heavy rocks onto the intruders head. Going into the forest was a good idea in his mind.