[quote=@Caits] [@yoshua171] I don't know. It still just feels over powered to me, but maybe i'm being picky. I will accept it. Yes, bu a 1 percent chance is close enough to 0 that frankly, I would find it highly lucky if he did find a dark guild. The best analogy I can come up with is that it's like Toy Story-You might be suspect that they can move, but you never catch them at it. Dedication, and knowledge that they exist would get you far. But again, you'd have to suspect the area's that they are in and know where to go, or what to look for. And unless he as able to provide a reason why they should have let him go, chances are he'd still be in a dark guilds custordy. [/quote] You forgot to append "If they even let him live" and "After they torture and interrogate him." If you're trying to be secret, you're going to make it a very negative experience for everyone who wants to find you, and even more so for those who did. In Dark times, Dark people approach you, not the other way around, and that's... Very unlikely. My personal headcannon is that the Dark Guilds during the "dark times" of magic knew each other, had active communication, maybe occasionally let members switch guilds, and probably some level of dynastic memberships. Eg, for a long time Iron Enigma had very little influx of "new blood", which is why they're only thirty members strong including Melina and most of those members are children of members or parents of members.