[quote=@Caits][@yoshua171] I don't know. It still just feels over powered to me, but maybe i'm being picky. I will accept it. Yes, bu a 1 percent chance is close enough to 0 that frankly, I would find it highly lucky if he did find a dark guild. The best analogy I can come up with is that it's like Toy Story-You might be suspect that they can move, but you never catch them at it. Dedication, and knowledge that they exist would get you far. But again, you'd have to suspect the area's that they are in and know where to go, or what to look for. And unless he as able to provide a reason why they should have let him go, chances are he'd still be in a dark guilds custody.[/quote] Well, he's encountered [i]one[/i] Dark Guild if I'm remembering this properly. He didn't encounter the whole Guild either, but instead just one of its members. The reason he encountered this Guild member is because someone with a grudge against him joined said Dark Guild and convinced this Guild member to try and apprehend him. The reason she likely used to convince this individual was that Dornae was carrying a magical tome (which due to the fact that they'd be ultra rare would make one VERY valuable). Dornae did not succeed in fighting him, he succeeded in escaping, which is considerably more reasonable since he was dealing with one person, not the [i]whole guild[/i]. The other time he was searching for a Dark Guild actually failed. Instead he found the criminal underground of a particular city as he thought it would be a likely candidate for finding a Dark Guild. Most people would be too cautious to look into that sort of thing since as it's rather dangerous to so. He didn't get too far in that case and ended up having Emiru, a hired Dark Mage (criminal mage. She is not a member of a Dark Guild...or at least wasn't at the time) chase after him. While she was stronger than him, her contract did not extend outside of that instance. His looking into this has earned him [i]two[/i] enemies. One he doesn't even know about who is influential and dangerous. The other he knows about (the Dark Mage), but who is not terribly good at tracking people down. So yeah. It's not like his looking for Dark Guilds hasn't had consequences either. He's earned all three of his enemies because of his looking into that sort of thing. A fourth one if you count his Ex, Natalia. Granted, she joined a Dark Guild, rather than having already been in one. If her having joined one is problematic, I can just as well have her already have been part of one.[hr] Also, I am working on the magic thing I mentioned. Even if you don't need it, I'll use it to help me keep things balanced. It'll mean it's harder, but not impossible, for me to [i]accidentally[/i] do something OP. It'll also make the magic more interesting since I'll have more limitations that I have to work around in battle. Aka I'll have to rely on tactics more, which I enjoy anyways.