[quote=@Caits][@yoshua171] WHAT criminal underground? Never have I, nor anyone else, mentioned a criminal underrground, and if there was such a thing, the Royal guard and capital Solders would have destroyed it as a potentially magical taking. It seems that you are making things up that do not fit in the story. While that normally works, in this case it doesn't As for this person that has a grudge on him joining a dark guild, THAT doesn't seem possible. As Burth Said, the dark guild would have had to approach this candidate and get them to join, but probably wouldn't have trusted them enough yet to allow them to send another member after your character. Again, it seems like you are changing things to suit what you want. The only way that would work if, IF the guy that had a grudge on him created his own dark guild. AND AS FOR A CRIMINAL DARK MAGE, not affiliated with any guild, I doubt they would have lasted long by themselves, as they would have been apprehended by people like Jamie and Jarvis, who wish to get magic respected and believed in once more, or the Royal guard. I really am not trying to be picky, but some things just don't fit in the story line. You have to understand, people were terrified of any mages after the zeref/slayers incident. Any sign of magic would have been destroyed, and there probably were enough killings to discourage any magical uprising.[/quote] The criminal underground thing came less from me "making things up," and more from me thinking: In a realistic world, there is organized crime even though we have tech (considerably more advanced than FT, though they have magic and we don't) so there's probably a seldom seen or talked about underground in FT. Hell, the fact that Dark Guilds exist is almost the [i]equivalent[/i] of a criminal underground, except they use illegal magic or do illegal things with magic whereas in real life illegal things are done with guns, melee weapons, tech, and drugs. I see no reason why those things wouldn't exist. Especially if there are people in fear and especially if the Zeref/slayer incident had such an effect on the people, which it clearly did. Plus if the Kingdom has people that can counter magic, there's really no reason other people wouldn't have found ways around it. If you have 100 years for crime to exist in any manner, then you're going to have crime that knows how to deal with authority. [b]HOWEVER, this is YOUR RP. I am new. If you state that, for whatever reason even if I disagree with it, there is practically [i]no[/i] significant criminal presence, I will accept it even though it'll mean I have to find a totally new explanation for whole sections of my CS. I get it. I've GMed plenty in my day. I'm not trying to be a difficult player, honest. I just maybe went into more detail than I should have....[/b]