[quote=@yoshua171] The criminal underground thing came less from me "making things up," and more from me thinking: In a realistic world, there is organized crime even though we have tech (considerably more advanced than FT, though they have magic and we don't) so there's probably a seldom seen or talked about underground in FT. Hell, the fact that Dark Guilds exist is almost the [i]equivalent[/i] of a criminal underground, except they use illegal magic or do illegal things with magic whereas in real life illegal things are done with guns, melee weapons, tech, and drugs. I see no reason why those things wouldn't exist. Especially if there are people in fear and especially if the Zeref/slayer incident had such an effect on the people, which it clearly did. Plus if the Kingdom has people that can counter magic, there's really no reason other people wouldn't have found ways around it. If you have 100 years for crime to exist in any manner, then you're going to have crime that knows how to deal with authority. [b]HOWEVER, this is YOUR RP. I am new. If you state that, for whatever reason even if I disagree with it, there is practically [i]no[/i] significant criminal presence, I will accept it even though it'll mean I have to find a totally new explanation for whole sections of my CS. I get it. I've GMed plenty in my day. I'm not trying to be a difficult player, honest. I just maybe went into more detail than I should have....[/b] [/quote] The simple fact of the matter is, even without magic, there were soliders well dealt in dealing with it, and in keeping crime off the streets, underground or otherwise. They would have put a stop to it. I'm not saying that crime didn't exist, but large things like criminal undergrounds would have been broken up, for fear that it was a guild in the making again. Essentially, it's been 100 years of war. Until something changed, and magic was....okay. It's hard to go into detail, and find the right balance when not everything is known, and this is intentially on my behalf. partly, because yes, I took this roleplay over when it seemed to reach a stopping point in the original roleplay. I have tried to make this my own, while staying to the original context. I always haven't been able to write everything I want, regarding history, without destroying potential story lines, and this has been a work in progress for the last several months, when it became clear that this was a roleplay to stay, and I started to put more effort into it, and into creating a site for it. I have hhad several plans, drafts and storys mapped out, that can't be released until I'm sure that they won't spoil anything, and am near having everything I want for the history revealed. It's coming. I appreciate the work you have put into it, and I do accept it, but I just want you to understand that creating things that can't necessarily be possible just yet can upset the history of the roleplay as well as the roleplay itself, particularly if I have to re-write the history just for one person-which I'm not going to do. I've tried to write the history to involve every player, but alas, that isn't possible at times. As I can't reveal everything. Yet. Go ahead and fix things up, then post it into the character tab.