“My dearest faun, are you alarmed by my unexpected presence?” “No… [i]well[/i]… maybe a little.” Marlona remained uncertain. How could this welcoming voice originate from such an emotionless figure? “That is completely understandable. Do know that I remain here to return a favor… at your request, of course. It was assistance with your vision, was it not?” “Yes, yes it was.” Marlona’s eager voice followed along. This is what she was originally here for, let her not forget. “Anything would be helpful, anything at all.” “Then let us continue forth.” Nyishla lifted a hand above her head and randomly plucked out a small leaf. “And do be sure to hold out an open palm.” The leaf was tossed into the air above, holding steady in suspension. Having received the go ahead, Marlona reached out her hand and flipped an open palm, ready to catch its twirling descent. As if by some sort of divine intervention, only the stem ever touched upon her skin. There, the leaf remained standing tall. “Nyishla? What am I supposed to do with the leaf now?” “Bring forth those memories you wish to understand and I will do the rest.” “Ok then. All I have to do is think about them… simple enough.” Once again, as was becoming routine, Marlona shut her eyes and let these specific images run wild within her mind. “Please do open your eyes this time. You wouldn’t wish to miss out on what is important to be seen. Just keep your eyes on the leaf while imagining.” A point of a single finger, directed towards Marlona’s palm set forth peculiar changes. Starting from the tip, the leaf began to dry and shrivel while its color began to blacken. As if set alight by fire, the charring leaf quickly turned into a warm pile of ash. Surprised eyes remained fixed upon her palm. “Tell me, what is it that I am supposed to gather from a sight?” “The proof that rests in your hand means that neither this temple nor I have brought forth your particular vision or are any relevance towards the images within. For if it that were the case, the leaf would have remained unaltered. In your case, the leaf in your hand knows the ways of the flame in some way. And likewise, water would have caused the leaf to wilt... the wind would have simply blown it away.” “If what you have said is true, then what may have caused such a vision, and who may this individual be? We’ve only ruled out the temple and you, Nyishla.” Marlona’s words grew desperate for answers. “Even though I am unable to provide any such details, I am familiar with the ways of the all consuming flame... for it has continuously deceived our own kind time and time again. That is why I can feel its mischievous presence grow one in number, beyond my chamber door.” “Wait, you don’t think they left yet?” Marlona let go of the ash and gripped her staff tighter with both hands. “It seems as though they wish to remain near. The bearer remains a mystery even still, though doesn’t it make one wonder as to who holds this flame. And was it not the power of the flame that consumed the very leaf you once held onto. A possible clue, perhaps?” There were those all too convincing words again, encouraging in every way. Marlona turned around and studied the closed chamber door. “Does that mean this individual I know nothing about or have ever seen may actually lead me in the right direction?” Marlona shook her head in disbelief. Why did all of this suddenly sound so fishy? The unlikely notion of this being any more than a trap lingered in the back of her mind. “Anything remains a possibility in this world of ours.” Nyishla’s words spoke of experience as she stood by in wait. “Here goes nothing, I suppose.” Whispered words attempted to reassure while her steps carried reluctantly along. Not until she was several feet away from the entryway did the undesired occur. Compliments by a certain somebody, the door sprung open, revealing a darkened hall, occupied by a lone female holding a single lit torch in hand. “Nyishla, I wasn’t ready yet.” Marlona mumbled her words. Something in the back of her mind wanted to believe that Nyishla actually had an unsuspecting sense of humor. Regaining focus, Marlona looked upon the gowned young woman. “Um… hi there?” Her words inadvertently questioned. “Didn’t know anyone else took to this temple.” Marlona could only follow up with a smile, having been set up into an awkward situation, compliments of Nyishla.