Name: Claus Tanner Race: Werecat (with lion accessories) Character Name: Stryker "The Ironclad Marshal" Class: Summoner (Puppet Master) Sub-Class: Blacksmith [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Has a rare "Lion's Pride" outfit to change his cat features to lion ears and tail. Since the update, these seem to have become permanent fixtures regardless of clothing, making him stand out among Werecats. Bio: Despite being a prolific gamer, Claus originally didn't play Elder Tales from its beginning, being more of a FPS gamer in Titanfall and serious sci-fi settings, but his friends dragged him into the game regardless because they needed another ally for a raid. While not his usual cup of tea and not very engaged in the fantasy world around him, he did enjoy casually hanging out with friends and getting into tough fights and coming out ontop, culminating in beating several high-level raid events and obtaining rare items, in particular the rare "Lion's Pride" outfit he was gifted with after the first raid with his buddies, which he treasures in particular whilst freely trading other items he gains from the dungeons. But when the apocalypse happened, Tanner found himself alone and separated from his friends, whom he isn't even sure if they crossed over into the game with him. With his life quite possibly on the line, he throws himself into the game like never before to fight to survive, let alone find a way home. Personality: Seemingly happy-go-lucky and cheerful, but its a front for serious concern and worrying about what has happened and how to get home. While he tries to be optimistic and take events in stride, Tanner can switch to a hardened and logically ruthless machine when the situation calls for it or he runs into a hard obstacle to his goals. Other: One ability of Tanner's that crossed in from the real world to the game world is his knack for parkour and SMART (Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain) However so did his predominantly "Serious Gamer" mindset, Elder Tales not being his main MMO game and he didn't play it much before the 12th update, plus not being very aware of how fantasy settings work at all to begin with. Thus he often thinks in the wrong genre relative to the game setting. (IE: thinking politics are more like Game of Thrones than a traditional fantasy setting, thinking players have EVE Online morality, thinks the whole idea of designated heroes is setting up for Spec Ops: the Line scenarios, etc) Tanner's summons are predominantly from the "Ironclad" family of clockwork metal golems. High-armor, high power, customizable summons, but also consume large amounts of MP and not very smart unless he directs or mentally controls them. Also summons from the valkyrie family as a secondary option. Since the apocalypse, they are beginning to develop minds of their own, and making it difficult to control the higher-level ones.