[center][u][b]The Sanctuary City of Kirhall - Failed State - Wernher[/b][/u][/center] [center][hider=THE SANCTUARY CITY OF KIRHALL] [u][b]Faction Name[/b][/u] The Sanctuary City of Kirhall. [u][b]Faction Type[/b][/u] [u][b]Faction Main Base of Operation[/b][/u] Kirhall. [u][b]Faction Goals[/b][/u] (What is to be achieved, your own victory conditions if you will... but remember that the world goes on around you.) [u][b]Faction Composition[/b][/u] (Not as much the number as the member's general religious, ethnic and cultural identities.) [u][b]Initial Assets[/b][/u] (Things that go out of the ordinary that your faction has managed to aquire, that can range from 'Significant amount of members' to more specific weapon assets or off-shore money as well as foreign support. All of this is veto'ed by me.) [u][b]Methods of Operation[/b][/u] (Do people have a lot of freedom of action? Is the leadership centralized? Right now, are people ordered to attack government forces or to evade them?) [u][b]Faction History[/b][/u] (Can be short or long, how your faction came to be? Did it already have run ins with the government? Etc.) [u][b]Faction Leadership[/b][/u] (The decision makers of your group. Take note that a lot of people will die and a satellite guided cruise missile can quickly decimate a leadership. Expect people to come and go from that list so if you have a 100% centralized leadership expect your orders to be followed to the letter, but with a certain vulnerability to decapitation strikes.) [u][b]Faction Eyes[/b][/u] (To describe battles, you can hardly do so from the eyes of a leader as not to risk him. These people are small timer grunts, civilians sympathetic to the cause. You can be brief about these people and hey, maybe include a few grunts destined to be upgraded to leadership later.) [/hider][/center]