[u][b]Luke Schwarz -- Hold up[/b][/u] Wait. [b]"...Your dad was an Avian faunus?"[/b] Luke's mind grasped at any straw it could to figure this one out. And since they were just about to attend a math class, it looked [i]something[/i] like this. [i]Hawk + ??? = Cat?[/i] It found none, and only got itself further lost. Did Faunus really work like that? Was it a 50/50 deal on traits expressed? Was it, dare he say it, like [i]Pokemon[/i], where the Mother was the deciding factor? Was she maybe adopted? ...Should he be this confused on these things? There were a few faunus at his high school, but, granted, he was also the rare hermit-type person for three out of four years.