"мать трахать членосос!" Viva shrieked and flinched as Noah poorly stuck her arm, Lucidae swerving dangerously with the jolt. Noah grabbed hold of her arm painfully as she recovered her trajectory, and she was left having to guide the ship through the oncoming traffic with one hand literally behind her back. She had no time to do more than continue to growl curses, steering Luce with one hand, occasionally aided by her knee when she'd have to let go of the wheel for heartstopping moments to key in flight codes. She could barely feel her other arm in Noah's grasp as anything more than a faint dull pain, her fist clenched in an effort to stay still as the ship shuddered and jerked with her reckless turns. Her pulse pounding in her ears, and her eyes constantly darting between the the ship tailing them and the ships ahead that were coming right for them. Beyond the litany of increasingly vitriolic words spewing from her mouth, and the rapid fire of react-analyse-react that came nearly instinctively to her, Viva's mind was quiet. In that distant part of her mind, the quiet place where panic rested and fear gnawed, the same place that acknowledged that her arm would be black and blue after Noah let go, came the slow realization that whoever it was, the pilot that was flying the stormbuster was good... But she was better. She never noticed when Noah finally left, her free hand was just back at the controls and she grinned viciously. "Alright you сукин сын," She said keying in the next sequence as her eyes judged the distance between them,"Let's dance." Lucidae bucked and rolled through the thickest part of the orbit, the grav-field only holding because she'd maxed it to full strength. Over this ship, under the next, slipping between freighters and side-sliding between cargo trains, the oncoming ships hardly had time to react to her before she was gone... only for the Stormbuster to fly into their face as they belatedly swerved away. Seeing a window of opportunity, Viva quickly dove into a closing gap- her eyes flying to the scanner just in time to see the gap close, and the stormbreaker only barely breaking away from the dive, only to have to flip and finally fly with the orbit's turn to avoid being swept away. "YES! сосать это сука!" She hollered at the scanner punching the air,"How'd you like tha-Wuh Oh!" In the thrill of success, she'd taken her mind off the task at hand for barely an instant, namely, flying at breakneck speeds into oncoming Noverian traffic, and had to lunge back at the controls for a split second save. Getting her head back to the task at hand, she continued her reckless plunge out of sheer necessity, whipping and weaving as she tried to get the Lucidae in a better position to break orbit. [I]"Doc says Val should be okay." Noah said, a rare moment where he seemed somewhat ... capable of emotion. "What's our status up here?"[/i] "Shook our tail," She said succinctly, turning the dive into a climb, "Now just gotta make a cross orbital break for deep space and we should be golden... aaand THERE!" With a final sharp upward lurch, Lucidae broke free, and still at full burn Viva returned to their last set course and flipped on the autopilot, "There. I'll keep her at full burn for the next two cycles. By the time they get out of that orbital mess we'll be long gone.And with that jam, they're likely to get caught by the feds." "We'll be long gone by then," She said slowly sitting back. Viva slumped as she exhaled shakily, her heart still pounding but the adrenaline rush that had gotten her through the past few moments slowly leaving her system. She felt wrung out and drained, and her arm was starting to throb with echos of what were sure to become painful twinges and aching bruises in the next few hours. She exhaled again, slow deep breaths, "We should be good. We're okay..." "Val," Her head popped up as the thought sank in, eyes wide as she finally climbed to her feet, "You said Valko- The doc said that he's gonna be okay- Woah!" She'd stood up too fast, the combination of having her blood drawn and the adrenalin rush wearing off at the same time making the room swim and the ground rock beneath her. Staggering she loosely grabbed hold of her chair with one hand as she nearly fell to her knees, her ears ringing as she tried to blink the spots from her eyes, "I'm fine! I'm fine, just- just tell me Val's okay."