[centre]Vestec's avatar[/centre] The Avatar snorted. "Nobility and justice often have no place in war. The perfection of war? That requires a certain...ruthless barbarism that nobility and justice would abhor. You can't be loyal to both, Child of Vowzra. You can either be a noble, just, hero, or a perfect, unstoppable, warlord. These remaining Victors and the Furies don't want a perfect warlord, Kanros. They want a noble champion. Someone who can be claimed by all to be a 'good man'. But that's not in your blood, is it? Your blood doesn't throb with the gavels of justice, heat up at the sight of nobility. No, your blood pulses to the drums of war, boils at the sight of whomever dares oppose you. Learn who you are very quickly, Warlord. Lest someone else make that decision for you, and turn you on a path that [i]they[/i] think is right for you." The avatar turned, and began to head towards the exit of the room. "If you hear screaming and fighting, the Furies found me and wanted to try and kill me. They don't like chaos spawn, you see. If you need anything from me, just give a quick prayer and I'll respond." The avatar's lips quirked into a smirk. "I have no favorites, after all." [hider=summar]-Vestec's avatar told Kanros Nobility and justice don't mix with perfect war. -It warned the Warlord to decide his fate before others decide it for him. -It's getting ready to leave.[/hider]