[h2][color=007236]Stella Herbalem[/color] and [color=662d91]Tobias Rivenridge[/color] Gym: Shortly after all the Stuff went down[/h2] Stella was keeping close to Tobias in the gym as the Headmistress started talking. Stella pretty much already knew what was going, since she had been one of the students to find poor Arro. However, suddenly, something happened. She wasn’t quite sure what had happened at first. Then suddenly, she heard all the plants screaming and could feel every single little movement. She was suddenly one with nature in a way that she had never been before. The plants around the gymnasium suddenly covered the windows, and darkened the gym. She was suddenly snapped out of it as it started getting wet and she got a very puzzled look on her face, and then looked around the gymnasium. [color=007236]“Wh…”[/color] There were students on fire, a… dragon? Her puzzled look soon disappeared as knowledge entered her mind. She turned to look at Tobias and then paused as she looked at him. What she saw was the person who had been comforting her only minutes before turning as white as a sheet. His eyes widened briefly as they looked at his feet- or rather the metal structure he sat on- then flicked over to her, dripping wet among the rest of the students. Horror visibly filled his countenance as he seemed to come to a realization, and as the air around them began to snap and crackle he was standing and shoving himself away from her. Stella was a bit confused for a moment, and then realized what that crackle meant. They had found seats near the edge of the bleachers closest to the door, which meant Tobias had gone no more than 2 steps before he was leaping off of them toward the floor. As soon as he landed, electricity began to arc and leap off of him in random directions. By some miracle none of them struck the now soaked bleachers, but there was no mistaking the shout that came from Tobias’ mouth as he wrestled with it. Stella’s eyes went wide, and she focused. The plants suddenly burst through the windows, and started absorbing the water, lessing the shock factor. Now was not the time to play dumb. She look and realized that it wasn’t just her pulling the water away, there was another older student pulling the water into a cloud of sorts. [color=007236][i]”Well that’s one less problem at the moment… no one is going to have their hair ruined… is right now the time for humor Stella? Really? There is a dragon, Tobias is a human Tesla Coil, and one of the teachers is yelling at the headmistress and Miss Standiford… oh… that Mrs. Wellington… No! Focus!”[/i][/color] Stella focused the plants, which started going back outside and returning to their normal size. She then slumped over a moment and groaned. [color=007236][i]”Ugh...I’ve never used them like that before…”[/i][/color] She looked at Tobias, trying to see if he was still sparking, and winced, still recoiling from the over usage of her powers. As she looked, the sparking seemed to be affecting the area less, but at the same time there was more of it flashing around Tobias himself. His head rotated slowly, like he was looking for something, before finally settling on the gym doors that had been blown open by some student or another. The electricity condensed even more around him, until finally a great flash blinded her and anybody else in the area as a bolt of lightning erupted from Tobias’ hand, outstretched toward the open doors as a way to direct it outside of the gym and into the empty air. There was a bit of cussing at the flash. Finally, as the light show died away and Stella could see again, she found Tobias laying on his back, arm still extended as though he was waiting for a second bolt, and breathing heavily… but alive, and seemingly unharmed. [color=007236]“Tobias!!”[/color] Stella bolted from the bleachers and dashed over to Tobias and dropped to his side. [color=007236]“Are you alright? I mean… besides the whole being a human conductor thing, are you alright?”[/color] She asked, concern written all over her face. He didn’t answer, for a moment. It was some time before he even took his eyes off of whatever point he had focused on outside. When at last he looked at her, he exhaled significantly and leaned back on the ground, tension leaving his shoulders as she watched. [color=662d91]“Yeah,”[/color] he said, [color=662d91]“Yeah, I’m alright. Arm’s a little tingly, but I don’t shock myself when I do that, thankfully.”[/color] His eyes went wide again as he sat up partially, looking over her. [color=662d91]“Oh God! please tell me I didn’t…!”[/color] [color=007236]“No no no… you missed. Luckily. The water has been dissipated, so, no one here is that much at risk anymore, I guess. Well at least from being shocked, however, there is a dragon, and uh… I’m pretty sure the bleachers are broken beyond repair, and I kinda broke the windows, and may have caused some damage to some lovely plants, but you’re alright, and I’m alright and uh…”[/color] Stella was rambling, and she knew it. It was a coping mechanism. Suddenly, her rambling was broken up by a bout of laughter. Tobias’ laughter, in fact, as he reclined onto the floor again. When he saw the confused look on Stella’s face, he pulled himself up and patted her on the shoulder. [color=662d91]“Sorry, so sorry,”[/color] he apologized, [color=662d91]“It’s just kinda funny to me. We were just talking about how this place seemed odd this morning, and then we find out about… well, all of this!”[/color] After a few more chuckles, he took a deep breath and calmed down again. [color=662d91]“I suppose I owe you something of an explanation. Though, I’m not sure what else there is to explain after all of that.”[/color] Stella blinked and let out a small chuckle. [color=007236]“Uh… well in case you couldn’t tell, my power has to deal with plants. Surprise,”[/color] she said and chuckled again. [color=007236]“But an explanation would be lovely, but maybe not right here and now… I think most of the student body is still wigging out here. Also, I’m not sure if staying at this school is the smartest move at this point,”[/color] she said and frowned a bit. He paused and seemed to consider that. [color=662d91]“You may be right,”[/color] he responded after some time, [color=662d91]“This place being what it is, suddenly those deaths and missing persons are even scarier than they were before.”[/color] [color=662d91]“But at the same time,”[/color] he continued, [color=662d91]“I’m not sure what other options we have. And personally? I’ve got some questions I’d like answered. Best move right now might be to sit tight and let the dust settle before any of us do something rash. I think I can say that not many blokes’ll be looking to tangle with me after that just now, though,”[/color] he said as he nodded his head toward the students staring at him bewilderingly, [color=662d91]“So you’d probably be pretty safe sticking round me. If you wanted to, that is.”[/color] Stella blushed deeply. [color=007236]“I should be the one saying that. Of course I want to stick around you! I’m not going to abandon you just because I found out that you can create your own power. I actually think it’s kinda cool. I mean...uh…”[/color] She blushed more, her face resembling a shade close to her hair. [color=007236]“Ugh I’m a dork… I don’t see why you’d want me to stick around,”[/color] she mumbled. [color=662d91]“Oh?”[/color] Tobias replied as he raised an eyebrow in what she could only assume was sarcasm, [color=662d91]“How about this reason, then?”[/color] When she turned to look at him quizzically, he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Her face went redder still, and he took the chance to rub her head affectionately, with the static he produced by accident tousling it all the more. [color=662d91]“Come on now,”[/color] he said, [color=662d91]“No need to go beating yourself up. I like you just the way you are, Stella. Now come here,”[/color] he finished as he put his arms around her and invited her back toward his chest again. Stella smiled and cuddled a bit close and closed her eyes. [color=007236]“And I like you just the way you are as well Tobias,”[/color] she said, wrapping her arms around him. She leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek in return. [color=007236]“Just in case you couldn’t tell,”[/color] she said and let out a small giggle. Sure, things were awful all around them, but in that moment, only really one thing mattered to Stella and that was knowing that she would be alright with Tobias.