[center]~| Day 3, 19:34 - 19:42 GST |~ ~| Tatooine |~ ~| Kennith, Melloch, NPCs |~[/center] Tatooine was a hot planet. There was no denying that fact. With both suns still up, even with the sunsets fast approaching, it was still scorching hot. Kennith had not seen fit to take the lead when they headed down to Mos Eisley, but then he preferred to stay in the background. When the Herglic, Melloch, started interfering in a quarrel he personally would not have worried about, he at first would want not to be involved at all. Of course, he didn’t get much choice in the matter, seeing how Melloch involved him almost from the start. He didn’t actually know this “Karlie” but that didn’t really matter. Improvising was his specialty, after all. He strode up to Melloch, keeping his hood up in the faint hope of keeping some of the heat away. It didn’t work all that well, but he thought perhaps that he looked a bit more menacing that way, which frequently helped. Especially when dealing with criminals. Impressions were important then. As he frequently did, he jumped straight into the fray. “Ey, Karlie, old buddy!” He followed up with a small hint of a mind trick, aiming to make them both a touch more willing to talk. “You really shouldn’t worry so much! You know [i]he[/i] would want to talk to us. This is all a minor misunderstanding, after all!” one of the two arguing folks blanched somewhat when Kennith put some extra pressure on the ‘he’, so he assumed that one had to be the one called Karlie. Or even if it wasn’t, he would be the one with anything relevant to say. His informant had been impossible to contact directly, so Kennith would have to find out their target by a somewhat more roundabout route. On a world like Tatooine, that meant delving into the criminal underworld. What they didn’t know, was either irrelevant, or kept secret by the Republic or the Empire. But even many of their secrets weren’t securely kept from the underworld. Information, not credits, was the real currency of value on this rock. One could pay for the other. The one originally talking to Karlie, turned to face the approaching Herglic. Massive and towering over the human, his eyes looked up into the robed figure with a sneer and edged for his blaster in reaction. He let his hand linger there for a moment or two before retracting it, realizing he was jumping to his itchy trigger finger. He studied the odd group, his gut stirring, then hooked his thumb on his belt. Naturally when a mention of debts was made the emotions in the leader’s head shifted from irritated to concern abruptly. He didn’t like the fact they had overheard his business when Janglor had made it clear to handle it discreetly, keeping any information or knowledge just between them and Karlie. He shot the old man a glare to warn him, he was going to pay for this. When the man floated up beside Karlie and him, seeming trying to ease the tension. It worked for a moment. The human relaxed and edged his fingers from the blaster, thumbing his nose at hearing the friendliness toward the old man. Karlie merely looked at the Jedi with a sickening look as he turned back to the human. He was confused and unsure what to say, pretty sure things had just gotten at their very worse. “Tell Janglor, I will have his money by this evening.” “Um… you better,” The man replied, “Else your livelihood will be a pile of scrap metal.” Unprepared for the following action, the man strike out a punch to land into the old man’s stomach. The other two already had their blasters ready to be drawn and aimed to set to wound or kill the Jedi if needed. Melloch kept his smile up, ready to send the sneering human back into the wall with a firm push as his hand edged to the blaster. [i]Come now, don’t be stupid. You can’t win this fight.[/i] It was a relief when concern replaced irritation. Concerned people tended to act cautiously. The Herglic gave a toothy grin to Kennith as the other Jedi went with it, before Karlie spoke up again. Melloch thought the situation was over. He was wrong. The human with the blaster attempted to punch Karlie, and the other thugs drew their blasters almost simultaneously. The Herglic’s reaction was instinctive, reaching out with the Force and telekinetically grasping the human’s wrist and stopping the punch. Melloch cleared his blowhole, speaking quietly, Force Persuade hopefully making them go along with it “ [i]Hauum[/i]. That is ill-advised, my friend. Karlie will pay his debts by tonight. Let's all leave not regretting this situation. You put your blasters down, and we all leave and meet later tonight where Karlie will give what he owes.” He waited, ready to act should blaster fire start. The name Janglor was one Kennith recognized, but he did not recall having heard it spoken off with such fear before. The Janglor he recalled had been naught but an orphan some ten-twelve years back. He turned to the man who would speak to Janglor, subtly waving his hand to use a bit extra force persuasion to get him to do it without as much thought. “Don’t forget to tell him that the fifth droid is out of blue.” If it was the same Janglor, he’d get the message. If it wasn’t, he’d simply be confused. [center]~| Day 2, 08:22 - 08:27 GST |~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath |~[/center] Time, was not scarce. Nor should it be. Patience, is a virtue. Miasa wished to teach the prisoners this. That was her primary reason for not entering the prisons at the exact time she had claimed she would. They would not get out anytime soon, so they might as well get used to the fact that they were in it for the long haul. Even if the Jedi were searching for the Kaggath, which she doubted they would have much success at, she did not think the republic or the Jedi order would condone such a search once the treaty gets signed. The treaty might not be signed yet, but she knew just how stubborn the imperial negotiators were, so there was no chance any of them would let the republic have any easy terms. She could not do anything but applaud the genius of the Emperor’s plan for taking Coruscant. While leveling the ecumenopolis would have some satisfaction, it would be almost as satisfying to see the planet sold back to the republic at an exorbitant cost. It was unfortunate that they would not be able to clean up the planet in that time. The whole world was proof of the festering sores of corruption and crime in the republic. It would in her opinion only have been made better by starting over. She had put in a request for the copy of all recordings pertaining to the destruction wreaked upon that decrepit planet. If she could not be there to watch, she would at least be able to watch it properly. When the chronometer reached an hour and ten minutes past the time she had claimed she would arrive to pick up her target, she decided it was time to go up there. She slithered out of her quarters, heading for the turbolift up to the prisoner’s sanitary facility. There was no point in going in through the same turbolift every single time. That would be predictable. When she entered that room, there were no prisoners there, so she slithered over to the central chamber, with the clear transparisteel floor. Had she not been able to see and feel the surface of the metal, she would quite possibly have been unnerved by sliding over that much empty space. It was a nice arena, but she saw no reason yet to visit it. If the prisoners somehow got hold of weapons, she would not want them to know how she fought. “So… Have you decided who shall go?” she let the words out so that all the prisoners would hear them. All the prisoners who were present, at least.