Shigetoshi was more than willing to chop celery and stir it into a red sauce. He shifted closer to the preparation table and looks over the table. Most everything is ready he noticed. There's only a few things left to do. The young Innkeeper is impressed. He had honestly thought dinner would be late tonight because of Tatsuki's late start in cooking. However, he was quite happy to be pleasantly surprised. The smell that permeated the kitchen was delicious and he hoped the food tasted as good. After all it would be his first taste of what life would be like off the mountain. (No pun intended) "Alright." Shigetoshi agreed to the orders and set to work. "I can eat with you." He added as he registered what Tatsuki had meant with the last part. He smiled easily. "It might work both ways." He winked and grabbed a knife to begin chopping. It only took him a matter of seconds to chop the celery and add it to the appointed pot. He had been cooking for years and a simple chop didn't phase him. It was simply a matter of letting his body take over a action it had done a million times. When he dropped the last slice of celery into the pot he gave it a quick stir and smiled a little at Tatsuki before slipping off to prepare the plates with the leaves. Wrapping things in lettuce wasn't uncommon, he was beginning to wonder how similar the world outside was to his on the mountain. But since it was practically the only familiar thing that was around, Shigetoshi didn't think it would be very similar. Again he wondered if Tatsuki really was serious when he offered to tell about his travels, after all, they'd be eating together. "All done." Shigetoshi proclaimed as he stepped back to make sure everything was in order. All the plates were laid out with appointed bowls. The innkeeper frowned as he mentally pictured the eating arrangements in the dining room. He'd have to move tables. He sighed and looked over at Tatsuki. "Are you almost done? I should probably go rearrange the tables."