As Nies Hellum tried to decide what to do, her wild attitude calmed, and she realised what she had just done. She had crossed a dangerous landscape, by herself. She could have been killed! She was just a healer. And she was still alone. What had she been thinking? Had she let confidence overwhelm her? She must have, to have done this! She leaned against a building, as she began to hyperventilate. She closed her eyes and just concentrated on breathing. How was she going to get back to the guild, alone? She soon got control of herself, breathing out a held breath all at once, opening her eyes and looking about. Well. She was here and she had got herself here, so she could get herself back. She just had to believe that. She would do what she came here to do, and that was find information. So she pulled herself together, and made sure she would be prepared for anything, looking about. First thing first. Find someone to work with, so she wasn't vulnerable. At least not as vulnerable as she was at the moment. She started to look for someone, anyone she thought might be willing to at least pair up, in this strange city. She walked through the city and around the city as well, before She spied someone, strangely enough another healer. Well, it wasn't an offensive skill, but Nies decided she didn't care. Feeling that another healer might be more accepting, she started over to them, moving so she wasn't in front of the boulder. She swallowed, and said, her voice shaking slightly, [color=f6989d]"Um? H-hello? Are you alirght?"[/color] She asked, nervously