[b]Sasha[/b] [@yipeeXD] Sasha grimaced slightly, watching relieved as Amelia was carried away by Jarvis. the girl didn't appear to be seriously hurt, probably just concussed, and Sasha closed her eyes in relief, until lazarus said something was bothering her. Was she that easy to read? She looked to him, and then away, pondering what to say. She seemed to start at least twice, opening then closing her mouth, before saying softly, [color=6ecff6]"I remembered something. I don't know if it's a good something or bad something. It was before I came to the guild, when I was being trained by my old Maker master. I think...that I have had Second Origin unlocked. For years"[/color] She spoke softly, not wanting to be over heard. It was easier telling Lazarus then she thought, easier on herself, and she felt some tension disappear, but Lazarus was right. it did feel like there was pressure on them all. [b]Time Lord[/b] Time Lord gave a slight smile and said [color=598527]"knowing things is my job, Shujin."[/color] he said, mildly pleased that he had caused such a reaction from the maker mage. [color=598527]"As to why you should help me, I need to go there. If...I suspect that the event 100 odd years ago occurred there. And if it did, I can replay the last moments, and figure out just what happened. I just need help getting there, because I won't be able to find it without fairy tail blood, and sadly, I'm not descended from any Fairy Tail Member"[/color] He said, truthfully [b]tidius[/b] [@t2wave] Tidius smiled at the girl, and crouched don, looking around Ariel to the little girl. [color=0072bc]"She just seems shy. Hi there, little one. I'm Tidius, but you can call me Ti if you want"[/color] He said in a kind voice, trying not to appear threatening, wanting to put the girl at ease, curious about what was happening. [b]An argument[/b] There were hushed, but still angry voices outside the room Amelia was in, an argument that was clearly in full swing, as Jamie finally said [color=f26522]"you can't treat her as a child forever Jarvis! Maybe if we'd taught Sam how to defend herself she might still be here! Amelia is strong, and I'm not going to apologize for letting her show that strength: if there was any danger do you really think I'd let her in? she's fine, nothing more then any of us would get on a job! Now I have to find Mithera, before Melina finds out I let her get kidnapped!"[/color] There were footsteps, then silence. Jarvis stood there for a moment, his expression blank. Jarvis shuddered and looked away, taking another moment before entering the medical room again, seeing Amelia awake. He glanced to the door, wondering if she had heard their argument, before approaching the bed [color=aba000]"are you okay?"[/color]