The BoS soldier looked over the crowd. "Gather up the bodies and bring them here. I can start removing the power armor... Don't go looting the weapons, that EMP could make them discharge prone, plasma is unstable as it if it explodes. Well we can get someone to clean up the puddle that you've become, I can safely disarm and dissemble them. Treat the wounded as priority one... Also someone get me the man charge." He yelled out to the crowd as they dispersed out. Bodies were hauled in by security as the BoS soldier worked to remove the armor, the BoS would love to get their hands on this stuff. Enclave armor was more advanced and was better then their T-45d issue sets, however if they still had T-51b like the Brotherhood out west the fight would be going much better. He was glad that his helmet had a flirtation system, he didn't have to smell the burning flesh. The procedure to remove armor from a burned body was not new to him, the Enclave had attacked with heavy flamers and cooked soldiers from the inside out. The suit he was currently working on's victim was still breathing, he'd give the guy a minute to dye in agony. The only reason he wasn't scream was because his lips had melted shut. So he carefully picked his way through and found Tasha checking on her. Then sighing he looked around the whole room. "So just who the hell is running the place?" He asked returning to his work removing armor from the disfigured bodies he did his best avoid looking at them. He knew it was terrible but they deserved it all, killing Elder Lyons, Scribe Rothchild, Star Paladin Cross, and even Knight Captain Druga... He would show the Enclave the fear they put in others, he'd show them what it was like to take away a home and everything you had worked so hard for.