[H3][color=gray]The Dreadnaughts[/color][/h3][hr] Damn that man, old Washe had Grit standing watch on the outside while all the action was taking place on the INSIDE! The geezer assured him that they should bashing in the front door, and hardly had the brains for much else. Then he mused about something being an inside conspiracy if it didn't pan out that way. Which was weird in itself, he didn't often joke about things like that-- oh. Oh dear. The reality sunk into even Grit. He had to do something quickly, else shit is about to get very bad very fast. Through his scope he took a quick reconnaissance of the area to check if the coast was clear. Undercover agents from sounds the city must be rushing to the aid of their home base, and he couldn't afford to be caught up in their hassle. All clear. He slinged the rifle over his back and hopped over the edge of the roof and slid down the fixed ladders until his feet hit the pavement. With his BFR drawn, he sprinted across the road until he met with the entrance to the lobby. His back was pressed against the wall and he peered inside the building. It looks like all the excitement moved upstairs. The young Dreadnaught barged through the door and made a quick scan of the room with his hand cannon drawn. Still safe. He began making a faster pace until he suddenly felt his foot kick something hard. Looking down, he met with an AK-47, lightly bloodied with the Fiend who once carried it. Reliable like a best friend, doesn't jam too often like a boring neighbor. Accurate and inaccurate at the same time. He looked at his BFR, then shrugged and holstered it. He picked up the automatic gun in its place and checked the clip. Poor bastard didn't get to fire off a single shit. Talk about a bad day! But HIS bad day just serves to supplement Danny Grit's OUTSTANDING luck! He continued his trek upstairs. However as he reached the next floor, an explosion rocked the building, and fire among with an onslaught of dust debris threatened to knock Grit back the stairs - and he would have, had the young man not held tightly to the railing just in time. Smoke began billowing out just down the hallway... that was upstairs! Between all the excitement and the trail of bodies - of both Fiends and agents - he must be getting remarkably close. [hr] Washe had to admit. The chemical compounds that NEST has produced to combat these freaks were extraordinary. And in so short amount a time, too. He had every intention of utilizing one of the most surefire, expensive weapons they had at their disposal to ensure Khan's capture. With the situation as it is now, there is no room for error. He couldn't believe how complacent he was. How he so drastically underestimated his opponent. All this time he thought he was just fighting druggies and taking the trash out. Of course there were suspicions about shit being bigger than gangs. But not THIS early in the game. The Fiends got in covertly for a perfect ambush strike. Never would Washe have imagined that a group so insignificant could have such kind of contacts and firepower. And the way everything was so perfectly orchestrated: a secret entrance that was left unguarded, at the time of day where the most experienced agents and militarized personnel were on duty IN the city... someone set this up for it to be easy for these freaks. Someone with a lot of control. It was about time that the Dreadnaughts really began viewing the NEST organization as a legitimate threat.