[center][color=#708574][h2]【[u][b]Dornae Namari[/b][/u]】[/h2][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jijQLz0.jpg[/img] 【[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkMVyw-7avI]Theme I[/url][b]/|\[/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_GOmMZRPEo]Theme II[/url][b]/|\[/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMrmnB2LjjM]Theme III[/url]】[/center][hr] Eyes scanning as he strode through he crowd, Dornae was quite aware of the looks he garnered. Yes, unfortunately, even despite the return of the Grand Magic Games and the good that the newly arising Guilds were doing, people still seemed to think of mages almost as subhuman in some respects. Still, dirty and accusing looks were far better than ones of hate or aggression. After all, just 7 or so years ago, his walking through the crowd with [i]anything[/i] clearly magical would have gotten him lynched, or at least apprehended by the King's men. If he was lucky, he'd be hidden from society before being added to the defense force, if he was unlucky--as he often seemed to be--then he'd have been imprisoned and made to live the rest of his life behind bars. Granted, that was still better than being hanged or burned at the stake, though it was not [i]much[/i] better. Making sure not to meet anyone's eyes unless they met his first, Dornae made his way into the collisseum that was the Tournament's place of residence. Even knowing he had missed the whole first day of it didn't really bother him as he wasn't there just to watch the challenges, though they did help in his decision by allowing him to guage their skill and, quite possibly, their ability to cooperate. Beyond the challenges though he was looking for the [i]feel[/i] of the Guild through the members who were watching and the way the crowd reacted to their presence. In short he was looking for the demeanor of the Guild as a whole, and the way that they influenced those around them, but outside of their circle. One might not think that such things gave much away about a group of people, let alone the individuals in that group, but Dornae had always had a knack for picking up on subtle cues and this was just that. Climbing up through the internal workings of the structure, Dornae made his way up to the stands, eventually exiting to see the crowds. It appeared he had just missed the end of an event. Hopefully they weren't done for the day or he'd have to actively follow groups of Guilds, which would be difficult because there was surely more than one and he couldn't be in more than one place at a time. Plus, once they diverged they'd be heading to different locations so it would be difficult to make sure he knew how to find each and doubly as hard to properly observe their group dynamic if he couldn't [i]see[/i] them. His thoughts interrupted by the sun peaking from behind a cloud, Dornae's arm rose to shield his eyes even as he squinted. Peering about he found a spot in the crowd and sat himself down a row above [url=http://elwiki.net/wiki/images/4/41/Master2HQ.png][i]a man with short hair, dressed in white and black.[/i][/url]. Finding the man's attire to be rather flashy, Dornae raised an eyebrow for a moment before turning his gaze back to the rest of the crowd. He wondered who the whale fellow that had stopped that airship from colliding with the ground was. While he was not particularly interested in meeting people who were likely celebreties, he figured that anyone who associated with the man was likely to be either important or equally as honorable. Then again, it was just as possible that the whale mage only saved the town because his Guild was located in it, or specifically for the publicity. After all, while Dornae did not like to admit that such people could belong to the same race as him, they did. He'd have to make a point of weeding people like that [i]out[/i] of his search for companions, if you could call them that. Then again, it was hard to say. People had surprised him before, just, it wasn't terribly common and considering his luck he was more likely to find a bunch of Dark Guilds here than he was to find people he could deal with for the months to come. Regardless, he [i]needed[/i] allies now more than ever. Especially if he was to ever accomplish his goals. That more than anything else, is what drove him. It would sure be interesting to see where that drive led him. [@Crimson Raven]