[hider][img]http://img03.deviantart.net/c53f/i/2014/309/2/d/brown_hair_anime_girl_glasses_phone_render_png_by_seikiyukine-d85eu8p.png[/img][/hider] [h2][color=cyan]”I try my best in everything I do.”[/color][/h2] [b]Name: [/b]Claire Everett [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Bloodline:[/b] Crysos [b]Personality:[/b] She can come off as shy and reserved at first, and she doesn’t really try to make friends since she’s sure she’ll have to leave before any meaningful connections are made anyways. To those she’s known for quite a while, she’s generally cheerful and quite talkative. [b]Bio:[/b] Claire comes from a military family, and as such, her family is always moving around; she’s lived in a number of countries during her short time on this Earth, including Germany, Japan, and presently, the U.S. Since she moved around so much, she never really got the chance to make many face-to-face friends, most of her friends are online. She slowly came to realize that she’s not like everyone else through a seemingly unrelated series of events: a grand slam homerun during an intermural baseball game, a damaged locker door when she forgot her locker combination, the (ugh) ‘scent’ of the person sitting next to her on the bus, uncanny dodging abilities… These abilities understandably freaked her out, but piqued her interest as well. She wondered if she may be the last daughter of a race of superbeings, or some such. That can’t possibly be true…can it? [b]Strengths:[/b] Like her quote says, when she’s given a task, she’ll try her damnedest to complete it. She can speak a few languages, but none of them fluently. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] She lacks confidence, and is at times hesitant to use her full abilities.