Threw together a couple of entries that I've been meaning to add to the Compendium, one simply because I felt like it, the other... well, because it's rather relevant to one of the current IC-situations, especially with Ixion apparently being as exceedingly well-informed as he seems to be. [HIDER=Deo'iel of the sixth circle] More than any other deo'iel - even the higher-ranking members of the seventh circle, who are the leaders of the organization - the members of the sixth circle enjoy a great deal of fame (and infamy) due to just how capable one has to be to earn a place in those ranks, and due to the feats they tend to accomplish in their line of duty. For this reason, however, deo'iel of the sixth circle rarely nourish relationships outside of their order, and just as rarely resort to using their real names out of fear that others may target their families or friends for various reasons. Instead, deo'iel of the sixth circle are almost exclusively known by various monikers; a fact that perhaps only works to grow their legend even further. [I]The Sisters of Torment[/I] A rare occurrence right from the beginning, being the only known case of demonspawn twins in recorded history, the Sisters of Torment are known to never part from one another and work together exceptionally well. Specializing in the hunting of demons and demonspawn, the sisters are also unusual in that they only qualify for the sixth circle when they work together, whereas they individually would belong to the fourth and fifth circle, respectively. One with the ability to suppress infernal power, the other with the ability to manipulate minerals, they are the single most effective unit in the deo'iel when it comes to fighting demons. [I]Lord Nightmare[/I] A huge man, supposedly much too large to be human, who always dons a massive suit of black plate armor that leaves no skin exposed, Lord Nightmare is said to be the most powerful out of all deo'iel. Having been witnessed using a great sword and a mighty hammer, and conjuring fireballs and undead minions, all while riding into battle atop reanimated beasts of war, he is supposedly capable of killing anything that gets in his way... and willing to remove any obstacle that gets between him and his quarry. Whenever the deo'iel encounters something no one else can handle - or when a member of the sixth circle deserts - Lord Nightmare is called in to clean up the mess. [I]Master Archangel[/I] A specialist in situations where in the target poses a great and immediate threat to something that needs to be defended, Master Archangel is a Nightwalker with a great deal of experience in summoning magic, and with the allegiance of at least two separate archangels, which he has been observed as being able to summon consecutively without falling to magical exhaustion. While Master Archangel is rarely seen doing much work personally, his archangel allies possess great power to protect, heal and destroy. [I]The Thunderer[/I] If there is a very dangerous target that is either extremely durable, such as an especially aggressive and powerful troll or an elder dragon, or that has occupied a hard-to-infiltrate habitat (that is not a priority to preserve), chances are that the Thunderer might show up. This penin engineer and alchemist is a woman with a fiery temper, and a inclination towards explosions. Has an outstanding record when it comes to dispatching targets swiftly, but tends to be rather careless when it comes to avoiding damage to her surroundings... in fact more often than not, the Thunderer is liable to cause as much or greater destruction than the monster she was meant to kill. [I]The White Warrior[/I] A human man in silver plate armor, wielding a silver shield and an enchanted sword, the White Warrior is a formidable anti-magical champion who is known to show up whenever a particularly nasty rogue summoner, necromancer or witch starts causing havoc. Having demonstrated a great deal of knowledge and skill when it comes to facing magical adversaries and generally dealing with magical threats, he is known to be a reliable - if somewhat flashy - agent of the deo'iel... and one that enjoys being in the center of attention.[/HIDER] [HIDER=Waking Dreamer's Disorder] An extremely rare condition - found in less than one out of three million creatures born, and acquired only at birth - the so-called Waking Dreamer's Disorder is an incurable affliction that has no apparent trigger and, if a hereditary trait is affiliated with it, it appears to be so rare that relation between cases are almost never discovered. The effect of the disorder, in all simplicity, is that the afflicted being is born with an unbreakable connection to the Spirit Realm that, contrary to what the name of the disorder suggests, does not cause the afflicted to dream while awake, but rather perpetually siphon magical energy from the Spirit Realm to Reniam. While many mages envy those born with the Waking Dreamer's Disorder for this ability, as it allows such individuals to - apparently - passively experience a rapid growth of the capacity of their souls over the course of their lives, as well as just as passively replenish their magical reserves whenever they tap into them, the afflicted who appreciate their condition are by far the minority. While the above perks are related to the disorder, most who are more intimately familiar with it would conclude that they are far outweighed by the disadvantages. Very few afflicted survive for more than several days after birth, for a start, and practically no afflicted belonging to species that do not practice magic, such as animals or tarken. This is because of the continuous and relentless siphoning of magical energy into the soul of the afflicted, which - unlike that which occurs during regular dreaming - continues regardless of whether the soul of the afflicted is already at maximum capacity or not. Neglecting to address this constant flow of energy into the afflicted bears results similar to those of heavy piaan-usage; under-compensating will result in the growth of the body and the degradation of the mind of the afflicted, and severe negligence will inevitably cause the afflicted to perish from sheer oversaturation of magical energy, similar to how one would die from an overdose of piaan. The compensation necessary for an afflicted to be able to live with the Waking Dreamer's Disorder is obviously to constantly drain their own magical energy, which is the true cause of their "passively" increasing capacity to store magical energy. It should further be noted that afflicted are not spared the health-degrading effects of such continuous drainage, either, and even afflicted who were allowed to vent their surplus magical energy from the day of their birth are unlikely to live long lives, as their health will degrade at a rate as fast as the growth of the capacity of their souls.[/HIDER]