[h3][color=7bcdc8]Aiden Carren Noon; Northwood Academy Gym[/color][/h3] It came to her while she was in Math class, the first omen. [i][b]“Would all students and staff report to the gym for an announcement.”[/b][/i] A cold energy grasped her heart as the announcement drawled over the speakers, freezing her pulse and stiffening her bones as everyone around her rose in succession, preparing to head down towards the gymnasium. It took a tap on the shoulder from a random student to pull her from her daze, and even then she felt as though her feet were made of cinder blocks and her head was full of lead while she trudged through the halls. Diana was clung to her arm, as always, but her face was lowered as if she were crying and her grip was much more loose than usual. It was all so odd, all of these feelings, all of these vibes, it was odd and ominous and made Aiden feel down right [i]sick[/i], and all because of the rumor she had heard being shared around classes. [i]amy snow has gone missing too[/i] Her mind quickly flipped towards Luca and Amy, probably the only two girls who were closest to her at this current point of time, and the thought of one of them going missing made her stomach do flip flops. This school, ever since Aiden had stepped foot inside these haunted halls, she knew something was off. Everything was much too weird to be normal here, it felt like the entire school was the main setting for some kind of horrific horror movie. A horror movie where no one would be getting out safely. Eventually, Aiden found herself within the hollow gym with the rest of students, and she carefully slipped into the last, empty row of seats. She would have made an effort to seek out Luca, but now her head felt as though it was about to burst and she could barely even stand without wobbling too and fro like a drunkard. Diana slowly released her arm, glancing at Aiden with eyes that she could only assume to be reflecting her own current state of mind. The gleaming white-blue orbs were stormy with anxiety and stress and fear, and as Aiden watched her reflection within the young girl's eyes she barely registered the fact that some staff had taken the stage. The redhead slowly pulled her eyes away from Diana, Mrs. Staniford spoke above the children, her face pale with what Aiden could only assume to be grief and terror. She listened to the older woman's words, but found that they barely registered within her mind. "As many of you are aware Arro Jenkins went missing Monday morning." Oh... This is about that girl? The girl who went missing a day or so before Aiden had arrived? She had only heard of the girl's name through rumors, but still, the fact that they are only making an announcement about her now was worrying. "I am saddened to announce she is gone forever. She was found today -" Staniford seemed to freeze, lips unable to utter the words that everyone else already knew. Arro Jenkins was [i]dead[/i]. Aiden shook against Diana's hug, feeling something like sadness or anger welling within her chest, but it all instantly turned to panic as a familiar voice made her ears ring and her head pound. "[b][color=7bcdc8]Am-![/color][/b]" This voice. No no no no no NO. Not her, not Amy! She gripped her throat as air failed to produce words, and then slowly found herself backing away from the students and staff in front of her, nearly tripping over the chair she had been sitting on moments before. All Hell had broken loose now, very easily confirming Aiden's theory of the school not being exactly what it seemed, but she didn't have time to focus on that now, because she had just received some very, very [i]vital[/i] news. She turned the voice over in her head, failing to realize that many new ghosts, ghosts that probably didn't even belong to Northwood, had suddenly been drawn to her shaking, semi-standing body, replaying the sound of her friend's knowledge until she felt as though it was real and true and important. Tears fell instantly as she dropped to her knees, and she delicately touched them with her shaking hands before her eyes rose to view the chaos within the gym. Well, at least she [i]tried[/i] to view it, but honestly she couldn't see shit due to all the ghosts that currently surrounded her. They circled around Aiden like kids playing, their eyes wide and hurt and burning with rage and sadness. Aiden was terrified, and as she turned to try and find comfort within D's embrace she found that the young ghost girl was gone. Entirely missing. Aiden felt her mouth open in shock, and a raspy cry escaped from her throat. Those outside of Aiden's ghost circle would notice that the air had become much more excited and windy, as if their were a storm brewing within the walls of the gym, and that any source of electricity was flickering from the actions of countless poltergeists. "[b][color=7bcdc8]S-stop, please. Leave me alone, y-you're scaring me and I... I need to find... Amy's-![/color][/b] Aiden mumbled and cried as the poltergeists grew stronger from outside of the ghost-circle, her hands tightly enclosing around her cross necklace, "[b][color=7bcdc8]Amy, Amy! Oh my God, oh my God. D, Diana, come back, please. H-Help me, D...[/color][/b]" The stress that Aiden had accumulated over time was finally spilling over, suffocating her, killing her. It was too fucking much to take it, all this panic and sadness and anger, and as she watched the ghosts' mouths move silently and heard the powers of the other students outside of her circle she finally felt herself slipping, her mind closing in on itself, and just before darkness engulfed her senses she saw a familiar, small back appear before her, hands balled into fists as a familiar psychic energy shooed away the poltergeists. Aiden groaned out a thanks, eyes still over spilling with tears, and then she finally fainted in the arms of a shaking Diana.