"What?!" Annabella immediately spun around to face him, "Killing? Wolves? That couldn't be the college doing that. Wolves are my main research. I'm trying to reintroduce the wolves into this region, as they haven't been thought to live here in over a hundred years! That's why I'm here now, I found the wolf tracks. But if someone is killing the wolves, than that ruins all the reach I've done in the past few weeks." She ran her hands over her face and through her hair in a frustrating motion, "All that hard work! Gone! And the wolves here! The poor things must be completely terrified! I bet that's why the tracks I find keep moving south of the college. If they leave the region than it will be almost impossible to get them back and to repopulate them here." She was blabbering on by now and giving a heavy sigh, slumped down to sit on a near by rock, shaking her head, "It really is sick. How someone can harm something so beautiful as wolves." She fixed her glasses on her face and rested her forehead against her hand, giving the boy another slightly annoyed look and answered him with a wave of her hand, "There's a pharmacy just two blocks down from the college. They should have the cough medicine, but I doubt they carry coconut water. For tat you'll probably have to go to the farmer's market across from the public library on 50th street." She stood up, looking more annoyed and frustrated now, "I'm going to find that pack...and when I do I'll have proof to show the college and city wildlife comity. They'll have to stop the killings if I prove to them there is a pack out here." She mumbled to herself, then moved forward, more determined than ever now to find those wolves. Conner smiled brightly and shook her hand, "Haha, no name? Okay new girl. Well, welcome back to Carson. You probably didn't miss much in those years. Nothing really goes on in this town. It's as small and quiet as ever." He laughed lightly, sticking his hands in his pockets, "So, do you always come wandering into the art classrooms when you have a headache, or is this something new for you?" He would have thought someone with a headache would go and lie down in their dorm or go get some fresh air. Even go to the nurse's station to get some head ache medicine. Not wonder into art rooms with fumes of all sorts like markers and paints. Still, maybe that was just her. From what he could tell, she was strange and different, something that he took interest in. There weren't any other girl's in Carson like her. She was pretty cool. He made a mental note to keep checking up on her and hope to get closer to her. Even if it was just as a friend, though if he were honest, he at that moment, was hoping it would turn to something more, strange considering he had just met the girl.