[i]Literally like the original SAO, the game starts you off in the, and you guessed it, Town of Beginnings. The tall fountain in the center of the plaza, the lone Cathedral in the background. Everything is pretty much the same..... except for the atmoshpere. The first most obvious thing of note is all the other players. Normally in games like these you would think players had their weapons equiped and ready. Not a single player in sight has a weapon equipped. Also, the feeling of other players looking at you is enough to send chills down a normal person's spine, as almost every player looks away the instant you notice them. There aren't very many stores near the spawn location, so many players use it as a center of commerce, info trading, etc. There's also a dungeon below the Cathedral, however, even seasoned players aren't able to clear out the enemies that live in the dungeon. Very few players know of it's exsistance, fewer than that actually know how to find it, and even less than that can actually tell you what resides in the dungeon. Hint of advice, don't.[/i]