[Center][h2][b][color=salmon]rose Yashia[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [@Joshua tamashii] Rose headed to the infirmary as she looked inside seeing Jarvis was there [color=salmon]" Jarvis, can I have a minute alone with Amelia...I have to tell her how sorry I am for doubting her when it came to her volunteering to participate. Just with her nature and what I know of her personally, I let my worried mother side come out and doubt the amazing abilities she holds."[/color] she said [color=salmon] " you should have seen her Jarvis, I never thought she could fight like she did and it made me proud and amazed to see how strong she truly is, she dis the guild proud and I am honored to even be her guildmate and I hope she can forgive me for doubting her strength."[/color] she said to him but she made sure Amelia heard everything. She listened to Amelia before smiling[color=salmon] "actually you and me.Luna both got the same high score, that right there is a win in my book."[/color] [Center][h2][b][color=skyblue]amaya vanisis[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [Color=skyblue]" I don't like speaking of my life before Phoenix wing cause I feel I don't deserve to speak of my village. If you wish to hear my tale I can tell you it. However first I wanna hear what you think my past holds and I will tell you if your right."[/color] she said pulling her hair into a ponytail before she quickly scaled the tree they stood under, sitting on a branch above him.