[@Kurisa][@rusty4297][@Axel][@KillBox][@Oblivion666][@AbigailTenshi] Koyoshi had made sure to check the surrounding area for any signs of life, never know with humans and hollows where they would turn up next so it was better to be safe than sorry. It was when she was checking how strong the roof was that she noticed Captain Kagiko had arrived. Giving a small hop off of the roof she fluttered down to the ground, and for a moment could not help but think that the captains haori fit her well. [color=fff79a][b]"Captain" [/b][/color]She gave a curt bow to his presence as he started to speak about how they should wait for the others to arrive. [color=fff79a][b]"I will make sure to direct the remainder of my team to alert them at once."[/b][/color] She responded but it was clear she had something else to say, not that her silence stayed long [color=fff79a][b]"Captain, I was wondering... Do you know anything about what is attacking us?"[/b][/color] She felt herself tense up a little, she had seen the man talking secretly to people before, and now they were alone maybe she could find out.