Sela chuckled at Lilith's remark and decided to pitch in, [color=79cdcd]"And we know who's about to lose."[/color] Sela rolled her eyes at Beatrice's naivety before disregarding the events that unfolded right before her. As much as she wanted to join the conversation, tease Beatrice some more--maybe even make some new friends--Sela couldn't take her mind off the sudden change in temperature. It was getting [i]cold[/i] and it wasn't just due to the rocking air conditioner they had up in the gym. It reminded her of those Arabian nights back at her home; deserts are not an easy feat. It can be burning hot enough to boil an egg during the day and cold enough to freeze one to death during the night. However, the nature of this cold was foreign to Sela. Eventually, she rested her eyes on another group of kids and one girl who had a flashy outfit on. She seemed to be the source of this abnormal coldness. Sela shivered and directed her voice to the group around her. [color=79cdcd]"Are you guys cold as well?"[/color] Sela asked, still a bit skeptical about her whole deduction. [right][@Kautalya][@yukisaa][@Melodia Alluna][/right]