A wall of flame erupted before her, and without hesitation, the Midnight Soloist leapt through, her mechanical arms shielding her from much of the flames as she descended upon the cornered mage. Grabbing the panicking Outlaw by the throat, she crashed onto the blackened streets and began to pummel him over and over again with her bare fists, until the mage turned into pixels and she could relax once more. How many was that now? After a while, she had stopped counting, and a message alert from the Black King served as a nice distraction from her constant hunting. It looked like she was forgetting her rule of ‘doing things in moderation’ quite often recently. Flicking out the message and taking shelter in one of the black monoliths, just in case there was another annoying mage or rogue stalking the rooftops, the petite girl skimmed through it pretty quickly, bypassing all the fluffy words and getting to the crux of the matter. The Black King did not understand what she was asking for, and that, regardless of that, the invitation was still going to be open. Funny person, huh. Closing the message and bringing up her UI once more, Yuuki scrolled down the list of options before coming up to the <> tab, which had a little neon orange ‘1’ on its upper right corner. She brought up the invitation with a tap of her finger, and from there on, she accepted the invitation. There were no fanfares, no fireworks, just a simple system message. Now she had a little bit of leverage. Good. And what a surprise! After all that bullshit yesterday, Erika was on DGO as well? [quote][b]To:[/b] Azga the Amazing [b]From:[/b] Midnight Soloist [b]Subject:[/b] (No Subject) Woah! Two consecutive days of logging in? What a surprise! Is this a virtual date or something?[/quote]