[img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7cl7wmLrLgc/TGrg-6htJPI/AAAAAAAAAU0/xSWX9r3T_Eo/s1600/Gladiator.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Canis Borell [b]Age:[/b] 43 [b]Preferred Gladiator Form:[/b] Dimachaerus [b]Bio:[/b] Canis is not his real name, not by far, although if asked he will say that he does not recall his real name. Born in Iberia, a land just a few hundred leagues north of Maro, it was one of the first to come under the influence of the expanding empire. Therefore, the people from Iberia were the only ones allowed to join the Centurum Legios. Canis was one of them, and showed immense promise as a commander. Marching into the bitterly cold north on his first campaign, there were high hopes for him. They were shattered quickly. The man commanding the legion was a full and Canis watched as many close friends were butchered in a Northerling uprising of numbers that had not seen before, and a few weeks after their mass retreat, Canis abandoned his post and deserted. He was quickly caught and branded as a deserter, with the Legionaries that caught him calling him a dog, or Canis. He adopted the name after his sign of the legion was burned from his skin. Sold into slavery, he was bought by a nobleman that wished for some cannon fodder in games that he was promoting. Seeing that there were many others like that in the ranks of those games, he found his edge wielding two swords instead of one. He survived because he was one of the only ones that had any fighting experience. It wasn't a very high class fight, but Lanista saw promise in the young deserter and bought him from the nobleman after the fight was over, training him among his men. It proved a worthy investment, and Canis, as he became known, quickly hacked his way to the top of the food chain in the Three Arenas of Maro, and kept himself there for longer than any other fighter in history. But, as all men, he grew old and his edge was beginning to fade. His speed was replaced by skill and experience, his strength by cunning. He was no fool and knew that there was no way that he would last much longer so he retired from fighting, having already earned his freedom a few years previous and, with his amassed winnings, decided to open a ludus of his own, purchasing the property from a Lanista that was retiring from the business himself, and finding the proper doctores to train his new gladiators. His friend and fellow gladiator Heimdal was the first.