[u][b]Veo's Shop[/b][/u] Veo looked from the half orc to the dwarf and then back to the half orc. The dwarf was asking about the bandit attack. Did the Jarl send him?.... He had to be sure. This gave him an idea. "Did the Jarl send you, good sir?" Veo said with his goat like accent. If the answer was yes then he would have a proposition for the half orc...... then again the half breed looked pretty strong. Perhaps he could hire him for what he has planned anyways. He looked to one of the bear fur coats. It was large enough to hold the orc and large enough to keep the big guy warm. He moved over to it and grabbed it off the wall and tossed it to Thark. "Lets make a deal shall we,... A lot of very important things that I was expecting came of a wagon that was robbed by bandits. You do me this favor of killing them and bringing what is mine back to my shop and you can keep that coat. Maybe even more if you bring to me the very specific item." He said looking to the dwarf as well. Offering this bounty to the both of them. He took out a parchment which had a detailed drawing of a lock box. "Inside this lock box is a very expensive and rare jewel that I was going to add to me collection. Those damn bandits took it. Kill them and bring it back and I will throw in a little extra into what ever the Jarl is paying." He said. The old man looked to the dwarf and nodded. "I was the one who was delivering the supplies and the lock box that Veo requested. A lot of those supplies were ordered from the tavern as well as the blacksmith's shop. He was running out of hammers." He added. He then tried to figure out what else he could tell the dwarf. "I really don't know which way they went. I was knocked down with my ankle broken. I will tell you where I was attacked though. It was about two to three miles away from the village. Maybe more. You will know when you see it." He explained. [u][b]The Tavern [/b][/u] Cassandra stood the for a couple more seconds before rolling her eyes and moving away from the bar. Males. She then noticed one of the locals had walked in. What was her name again? Alice? She walked over to the young woman. As she spoke Brenard came flying back from the back of the tavern with the bottle of milk and placed it on the table in front of Feiia. He then gave a slight nod and flew back to rest on top of Cassandra's scythe stall. "What will you be having?... Vivian is already cooking up something in the back. Her famous stew as always. You locals never ask for anything different.." She said with a bit of smile. "As for the drink... what will you be having? to Drink that is?" She asked. Brenard suddenly noticed the large white wings on the elf in the booth close by. "Well that's new,... Cass, do elves of her kind come with wings?" He asked and Cassandra rose her hand at him. "No you silly bird, and stop talking about the guests like that. It's rude." She said. The Raven nodded and was still curious about the elf woman. She was much like Arielle. Except Arielle's wings were fake and made of some hard glass. That was not easily breakable. This one had real wings. At least they seemed real. He shrugged and then looked around the tavern at all the guests. Until speaking of the devil. Arielle herself walked into the Tavern. He decided to fly over and say hello. He flapped his large wings and perched himself on her right shoulder. "Hello miss Arielle. To what do we get the pleasure of your visit?" He asked. Arielle looked to him and smiled. She then sighed the smile fading. "The usual Brenard. Some bandits attacked a wagon up the road a bit. The Jarl wants them taken care of. I am here to issue out a hunting party for them." She answered. Brenard nodded. "Can I get you something to drink? We do have some good wine that came in a few days ago. Two customers are enjoying it right away?" He asked. Arielle rose a brow and shook her head at the bird. "Maybe later,.. right now its strictly business. Vivian is in the back cooking I expect? I got something to ask of her and your master. The Jarl wants them to do a bit of scouting after there trip up the mountain." She added. The raven nodded and decided he would inform Vivian of her desire to talk to her. He flew off and made way towards the back room. Arielle moved to a table and sat down. She was waiting for a specific dwarf to come in and that way she could inform the whole tavern what was going down and whether anyone of them would take part in the job of taking the bandits out.