[@Lugubrious][@Lmpkio][@Zarkun] [color=ed1c24][b]ENMA[/b][/color] [b]AND[/b] [color=662d91]DALTON[/color] Chill...CHILL?! How in the ever loving hell could he chill after the entire yokai community was insulted straight to his face?! A red aura glowed with intense killing intent and his hair began to float as if wind was blowing through it. It seemed like his fangs and horns were growing and his pupils turned into white holes surrounded with a vivid red. If there was a lesson to learn from this it would be to never anger an oni, especially one as short fused as him. He wanted to grind their bones into dust and then turn that dust into nothing, but they were apart of Nolan's guild so he had to hold himself back as hard as he tried. Not to mention that if he attacked them then his guild surely would've been disqualified from the games and he couldn't afford that to happen. Still the blood in his veins ran wildly and being told to 'chillax' only made things worse rather than actually apologizing. [color=ed1c24]"I ought to-!"[/color] He stopped mid-sentence as a dusty woman landed in between him and Marlene. He was so caught off guard that his rage subsided in that instant and that red aura disappeared. The dust floated into his mouth and Enma coughed a bit. Wait a minute...Dust? A woman that wears bandages? [color=ed1c24]"You are Fleo Plectar I assume? Nolan has told me about you and that squad he denies leading."[/color] He held out a free hand for a handshake as the humans called it. [color=ed1c24]"The name is Sengoku Enma. I'm an old friend of Nolan's."[/color] Dalton popped out of Marlene's grip and landed in a seat next to Marlene.[color=662d91]"Wait wait wait! Are we just goin' to forget that this guy was about to go and paint the town red just now?! Like it never happened?!"[/color] The Exceed said with great exasperation.