[center][h2]James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Seating[/h2][/center] [center][@hatakekuro][/center] James glanced up from studying his magic at the Exceed. [color=Navy]"Oh yes, I'm sure you're excited to be mulch if you're bringing it up again, Exceed."[/color] He returned once more to his studies, muttering the occasional spell to himself to help memorize it for practice later. [center][h2]Damian Gerard|Iron Enigma Seating[/h2][/center] [center][@Burthstone][/center] [color=FireBrick]"If she wanted you to know that, she wouldn't have left your guild in the first place."[/color] [center][h2]Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Seating[/h2][/center] [center][@Joshua Tamashii][@floodtalon][@Caits][/center] [color=Turquoise]"If the spirit really is that of War, then he was clearly holding back to prevent himself from destroying the city. It certainly warrants more looking into in any case."[/color] Over hearing Ryan, Jack turns a withering glare on the gambling man. [color=Turquoise]"It is also a foolish addiction that can put you in the debt of very dangerous and unsavory individuals."[/color]