Durin nodded to the satyr taking the picture to examine it.[color=9e0b0f] "Yes, the Jarl sent me. I'm a mercenary that happened to be passing through."[/color] The answer was short and curt, as Durin wasn't one for idle conversation. Durin examined the box further. Of course, coming from a dwarven family, Durin knew about all kinds of jewels and the value they held. [color=9e0b0f]"They probably attacked the wagon seeking that jewel. Rare things don't get moved without people noticing. I'll help, but I'll split the profits with whomever you see fit."[/color] With that, Durin turned and started walking away. "If you want to come along, Orcling, then I'm meeting the Jarl's wife at the Tavern." With those words, Durin picked up his pace a bit and headed toward the tavern. Heading in, he saw that the place was bustling. After a quick scan, Durin found the Jarl's wife. He also noted two Drows, a third sitting a ways away from the crowd, a sheep centaur knitting, two members of the Order ([i][color=9e0b0f]What could [b]they[/b] be doing here?[/color][/i] he briefly wondered), a human girl, and a winged elf. Durin moved to where Arielle sat, taking a seat across from her. [color=9e0b0f]"I've talked to the shopkeeper, as well as a survivor of the bandit attack. Seems they got guts, as the attack happened a few miles away from here. Supplies for the tavern, blacksmith, and a rare jewel for one of your shopkeepers. Recruited a half-orc along the way. He'll be along if he's interested. The keeper offered a bit more on top of the Jarl's reward for bringing the jewel back, so I suspect he's not far behind. Whatever help we can get will be nice. Perhaps one of the guests here saw the attack and can tell us more."[/color] Durin sat in thought. He had the feeling that the jewel was why the caravan was attacked. After all, the way the shopkeeper fretted about it, it was sure to fetch a lot of money, something that bandits always had a greed for. While Durin had a bit of a love for gold himself, he at least earned his, even if it wasn't the most honest way to do so. [color=9e0b0f]"Will the Jarl need heads?"[/color] he asked. If so, he'd have to make sure to collect as many as he could. The more people there were involved, the more it'd have to be split. Durin himself was pretty set for a while with the 300 pieces he had, but you never knew when you were gonna go into town again, and he just might be low on supplies at that point...