[center][h1] Character Sheet [/h1] [hider= Character Sheet] [b][color=ed1c24]**Note: Please use the abilities under each Occult tab! You will see special abilities, you may choose 1 for each ability slot; having a maximum of 3 Special Abilities per occult.[/color][/b] Name: (What is your name?) Gender: (Male, Female, Both? Neither?) – Please include preferred Pronoun! Age: (How old is your Character?) Home: (Please include a fake address for RP purposes and a picture/description of their home! A list is provided in the OOC if you are not fond of searching!) Orientation: (Straight or LGBT?) Significant Other: (Boyfriend, Girlfriend, None?) Occult: (Human, Vampire, Werewolf, Witch, Angel, Demon?) Inherited Ability: (Choose from the Occult List) Special Ability: (Choose from the Occult List) Hidden Ability: (To be unlocked as the Role-play progresses) Occupation: (Where does your character work, if at all?) Family: (Does your character have any family that will be prominent? Please include a brief description if necessary!) Appearance: (Picture preferred, not required – may be typed.) Werewolf Appearance: (Man-like werewolves only please! Trying to stick to one style, Man-like is cooler than wolf-like and more intimidating.) [b][color=ed1c24][IF NOT WEREWOLF LEAVE THIS OUT][/color][/b] [hider= Example:] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/118/e/c/monster_hunter_vs_werewolf_by_shono-d3f36er.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: (Who is your character?) History: (What has happened in your characters life?) Occult History: (When was your character aware of their abilities? If human, does your character believe in the Supernatural?.) Occult Status: (Alpha Wolf, Vampire Royalty, Coven Leader? –Things like that if not human!) Additional Info: (Anything else we should know?) [/hider][/center]