[b]Master Jamie[/b] [@Joshua Tamashii] Jamie let out a frustrated sound as Fraquar joined her.[color=f26522] "Amelia is fine"[/color] She snapped, impatiently, [color=f26522]"As for what is bothering me, that's not of your business" [/color] Jamie replied snappily, continuing to walk, a hurried pace, not in a particularly chatty mood. [color=f26522]"I have things to do, Fraquar"[/color] [b]Jarvis[/b] [color=aba000] "I imagine you used a lot of magic" [/color]Jarvis said softly, but didn't get to say much else as Rose entered. [color=aba000]"Games Master Sheldon thought it quite honorable that you stepped in when Sasha couldn't participate"[/color] He said softly when Rose had finished talking, [color=aba000]"I know she was amazing, but it still doesn't mean that it wasn't dangerous"[/color] he said softly, keeping his tone neutral [b]Tidius[/b] [@t2wave] tidius smiled at the girl as she peeked around at him. He held out his hand, palm up so that the girl would have the control, seeming to appear quite young in that moment, a unspoken message of trust. [color=0072bc]"I have a few toys, if you want to play with them, little one. No one is going to hurt you here, that's the last thing that we want"[/color] [b]Gabriel[/b] [@lugubrious] Gabriel let out a frustrated sound. All he had wanted to do was help, and then to just be ignored when he was trying had pushed him over the edge. Maybe it was feeling like his was nothing in the guild, making him feel inadequate, that had pushed him to this. Gabriel didn't know. All he knew was that he was being attacked with a shard of glass. A bad feeling rose over Gabriel, and a blur pushed him aside, sending Gabriel sprawling, frantic he scrambled to look what had happened. Rat, his rat, his friend, his spirit, was entombed in glass, no, he was glass. And the crazy, demented, fool of a man was rushing towards Rat to destroy him. Logic told Gabriel that Rat would be fine, that you couldn't kill a spirit, but his heart clenched, and he rose, tackling Nero to the ground. [color=8dc73f]"YOU DEMENTED BUTT FACE! TURN HIM BACK, TURN HIM BACK, DAMN IT! GIVE ME RAT BACK!"[/color] he shook Nero, his expression dark, all he could think off was that Rat had sacrificed himself for Gabriel, and that Gabriel didn't deserve it, didn't deserve such loyalty from his spirits. [color=8dc73f]"TURN HIM BACK, NOW!"[/color] tears threatened to spill over Gabriel's suddenly full and stinging eyes, his voice breaking