[color=yellow][h2]Dropping In[/h2][/color] [i][color=yellow]There's that mage we were fighting yesterday...[/color][/i] He thought. The Black King had company now, one of her fresh recruits. Actually, when he thought about it there wouldn't be anyone else with her really, she [i]only[/i] had new recruits. The Black Guild hadn't had any members besides the King prior to the day before after all. Still, this wasn't exactly helping him find Flan. Wherever he was, he didn't seem to be anywhere nearby and it looked like the Black King was going to be taking her time too. Suddenly he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Quickly turning around, he spied a figure falling from a nearby building. But as he watched, they hit the ground and started running towards the base of his building. [i][color=yellow]Hey, there he is![/color][/i] He thought. He followed Flan's movements until Flan reached a bit of ruined wall down the side somewhere and stopped. Then he seemed to start talking. [i][color=yellow]What the? Is someone there?[/color][/i] He thought, [i][color=yellow]Did someone find me?[/color][/i] He couldn't really see, but from his angle he should've been able to see something of someone behind the wall Flan seemed to be talking to. Maybe they were really small or something. [b][color=yellow]"Time to go find out, I guess."[/color][/b] He muttered to himself, opening his inventory and using one of his many outlaw declarations. If the guys Flan was talking to were other Ebony Strykers, he'd have a bad time if he just went and fought him. Therefore, he needed to do some acting. He pushed the railing back and forth a little bit, loosening the rusted black-steel bolts somewhat. Then he took a few steps back, and ran forward and did a flying kick, breaking the railing off completely and sending him hurtling over the edge. Looking down, he saw that he was vaguely over Flan which was exactly where he wanted to be. If there were Ebony Stryker buddies over there, then he could pass of his little assassination attempt as an accident. The broken railing and his current screaming would vouch for that. He didn't think falling on someone would be able to kill them unless they had really low health but it was bound to do some damage and maybe even a stun if he was lucky. [b][color=yellow]"Heads!"[/color][/b] He shouted. His health bar shot down to half as he hit something solid. Whether it was Flan or just the ground was another matter entirely.