[quote=@Twilights Curse] wanted to run by you some ideas on the change and how we are doing this.. for the Wolves i mean. 1. so we got like a magical like feel, where they are themselves one moment, then the next they are simply their wolf 2. full on Twilight style and they explode into their wolf form 3. painful slower going change that takes minutes to fully complete itself or if you got ideas and such.. and how are we talking on the size of them in their wolf form [/quote] I liked the Twilight style.. Because, they also kinda looked like huge dogs and stuff.. and it looked not so very painful. But then again, in Twilight they could change when ever they wanted.. a painful changing could also be a idea, as my idea for Vanessa's scar is that Xaven during his change hurts his paw / wrist and because of the confusion and pain he attacks Vanessa, scratches her shoulder and some of his blood end up in her wound and then his uncle tackles him and takes him along so he won't kill her or something. But then again, I don't want to hurt Xaven, Drake and Ralphie too much :P Ehm... Idk.. Which one do you think is the best?